Smashing Spelling and Groovy Grammar!
This week, one group had to match their spelling words with their meanings. Here is Albert's work.
Bella's work shows correct use of 's for possession and s for plurals.
Terrific Theme!
Continuing our learning about the rainforest, the children completed a Maths/Theme task investigating the climate of the rainforest and showing this in a graph. Here are some examples from Albert, Isaac and Bella:
Super Science!
The children went out into their local environment and looked at the living things they could find. They then thought about how they would group them, using similarities and differences to inform this. Oliver, Leanna and Isaac's work is below. Leanna also thought about how her local environment changed with the seasons. Issac identified more than one way to group what he found.
Magical Maths!
This week, the children have learnt to recognise the different types of angles - acute, right angle and obtuse - as well as ordering them by size. Here is some of Albert, Bella and Harry's learning:
I am amazing - PSHE!
For PSHE, the children were asked to identify different ways in which they are amazing. Sometimes this feels like boasting but it is important to value yourself and recognise things that you do well, ways that you help others etc.