The school day starts at 8.55am, however doors will be open at 8.45am this is to ensure a smooth start to the day for all our children and to maximise learning time and hopefully ease some of the congestion in the car park and on the road.
School doors will be open at 8.45am for children to come straight in. The following doors will be used:
Year 5 and 6 will enter through the door by year 6*
Year 3 and 4 will enter through their classroom doors**
Year 1 and 2 will enter through the corridor door *
Reception will enter through the reception gate and walk through their outdoor area**
*There will be a Learning Assistant on the door to welcome the children
** Class teacher will be at the door to welcome the children
We would encourage children to be independent and come into school where they can hang their coats up etc. and then go straight to their classrooms. Class teachers will be on the door or in their rooms to meet and greet the children. These few minutes before the bell rings at 8.55am can be used for quiet reading, completing an early morning activity/problem/challenge or to respond to marking. The register will also be open from 8.45 so children can self-register and select their lunch choice using Studybugs. At 8.55am the indoor bell will ring to signal that the school day has officially started and, parents if they are speaking to class teacher can leave. If parents need to speak to class teacher at length a mutual time can be arranged for later in the day or next morning.
All children need to be in their classrooms for 8.55am as the doors will be closed promptly. Any child arriving after 8.55am when the doors are closed should be brought to the main school office where they can be signed in.
Term time absence |
As all parents will be aware new policies and powers have been brought in to tackle term time absence. Our policy continues to be to take any request on a case by case basis whilst recognising the critical importance of school attendance for the wellbeing of the child. On 17th October 2023 Governors made the decision that as of 1st January 2024 all matters of unauthorised absence relating to a Leave of Absence will be referred to the Warwickshire Attendance Service (part of Warwickshire County Council). Further information about what this means can be found in the attendance policy below.