Thursday 7th May
Good morning Year 5. Today is the last school day before the three-day weekend! The weather is supposed to be lovely so enjoy yourselves! If you're doing anything special for VE day tomorrow then have fun and feel free to share any pictures of what you get up to on the blog!
Today I'd like you to finish off your persuasive arguments about why people shouldn't climb Mount Everest. You should have reason 3, a counter argument (if you'd like to include one) and a conclusion left to write.
Before you begin, look back at the work you did yesterday. Read it out loud to yourself and check for:
- sense - does it say what you want it to? Are you missing any words?
- missing punctuation - especially those full stops, capital letters and commas!
- spelling - are there any words you can see that you've spelt wrong? Have you got the right homophone?
- vocabulary - can you add a persuasive phrase? Can you make something more formal? Can you use a better word?
When you've checked over your work, read the new WAGOLL below and magpie any words or phrases that you like.
Remember to check your plans too because these will help you remember what you wanted to say! Remember, it's ok to get things wrong and I'm not expecting perfection - just give it a whirl and don't stress!
I'd love to read your work when it's finished so please take a picture and send it to me! I'm going to add some of your writing to the class page gallery this weekend. I'm spoilt for choice - they're all so fab!
Guided Reading
Today I'd like to do some character work! I'd like you to choose a character from the story so far - Ashley, Ashley's father, Lin or Uncle Sung - and I'd like you to complete a role on the wall for them.
We've done these before in class but just in case you can't remember, you write down what the character's appearance is like on the outside of the person shape along with how they appear to be to others e.g. brave and strong and then on the inside of the person, you write down what their personality is like or what they secretly think and feel e.g. they're actually very frightened.
Think about what has happened to the person you choose over their lifetime and during the war so far, think about how you would describe them and why. You can use coloured pencils and pens if you'd like (as long as it's neat!)
Then snap a photo and send it to me!
LO: Can I make inferences about a character?
We're doing one final day on multiplying and dividing decimals by 10, 100 and 1000 today. I've got some challenge cards for you to have a go at. You can either print them out and stick them into your book one by one, writing on them or next to them or you can just look at them on the computer and then write the answers into your book.
We're exploring not just the method today but what it actually looks like in pictures too.
If you struggle, leave that question and send me a message on the blog, where I'll do my very best to help you!
LO: Can I multiply and divide decimals by 10, 100 and 1000?
While we're all at home and everything is a bit topsy-turvey, you'll probably have days where you feel really happy and some days where you feel a bit strange - that's perfectly normal and nothing to worry about. I think sometimes though, it's easy to fall into a bad habit of focusing on the negative things and be frustrated with the things you can't do and it's much harder to celebrate all the of good things.
I've decided that you need to focus on, celebrate and remember
how amazing you all are!
Every. single. one. of. you.
Mrs Cutler found this activity and I think it's absolutely perfect for giving our confidence a boost and making us feel good.
You can either work on the sheet and colour it in if you'd like! Or you can write the sentences in your book or draw your own into you book and complete it. You don't have to share these with me but I would love it if you did because you should all be so proud of yourselves and proud to be you!
VE Day
And finally, some activities to celebrate VE day!
There is a video for you to watch below that explains what VE day is...
Wednesday 6th May
Good morning everyone! I'm looking forward to seeing you all later for our Microsoft Teams meeting at 11am today. We'll have a catch up and then I'm going to try playing a few games with you so it should be a nice call. To get onto the call, go on to "calendar" on the left hand side and then click on "year 5 meeting" then click the "join now" button that will come up. Remember to mute yourself as you go in so that we can all hear better.
Hopefully, you've all had a chance to read through the information about climbing Mount Everest that I uploaded yesterday. You should also have decided which key points you want to make and put them into your plan. Remember to look at your plan when you write - it's really helpful for keeping you on track and giving you ideas if you're not sure what to write.
Today, I'd like you to have a go at writing the introduction and first two reasons of your argument.
I've uploaded a WAGOLL below for you to read and magpie phrases from and I've also uploaded the word banks again. You can type or write your argument, whichever you prefer.
LO: Can I write a persuasive argument?
Guided Reading
I've recorded myself reading the next chapter of "King of the Cloud Forests" for you. At the end of chapter 2 we left Ashley and Uncle Sung setting off on a journey through Tibet to India. Let's find out what their journey was like...
Just a note - in the chapter, they talk about Uncle Sung's son being dumb. This doesn't mean silly or stupid, it actually means unable to talk. They also talk later in the chapter about meeting a lama. This doesn't mean the animal (though it would be funny to imagine it did!) It actually means a spiritual leader.
While you're listening, I'd like you to jot down any words that you don't understand. I'd then like you to choose 3 of the words and find out their meaning before putting them into sentences in your guided reading book.
LO: Can I understand the meaning of vocabulary in context?
We're continuing to think about multiplying and dividing decimals by 10, 100 and 1000 today.
I've got a jigsaw activity for you to try because I know how much you enjoyed the one we did on equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages. The method is exactly the same, you match the question to the answer. If you don't have a printer, I've uploaded instructions to explain how you can complete the work. Remember to send me in pictures of your work if you get a chance!
LO: Can I multiply and divide decimals by 10, 100 and 1000?
I'm really enjoying how enthusiastically you're responding to our new theme! I think you'll like the activity today!
So far, we've looked at OS maps and the symbols and contour lines that are used to show places and features on them.
Today, we're going to learn how to locate these places on a map using 4-figure grid references.
First, I'd like you to watch the video below:
Now I'd like you to have a go at the following activities. The first is an activity about 4-figure grid references in general and the second activity is about the mountain Snowdon in the UK. You'll need to use the OS map of Snowdon that I've uploaded below.
I've also attached an optional extension for if you're in the zone and want a challenge! Enjoy!
LO: As a geographer, can I understand and use 4-figure grid references?
Tuesday 5th May
Good morning Year 5!
Just to let you all know that we have another meeting scheduled on Microsoft Teams tomorrow (Wednesday 6th May) at 11am.
Please try to download the app and login today with your parents to check that everything is working. Any problems then let me know. Mrs Bamford has also emailed your parents some rules for using Microsoft Teams. I've put them below so that you can look at them before tomorrow!
I was so impressed with your persuasive arguments and enthusiasm for English last week. This week I'd like you to apply all of the skills and knowledge that you learnt to writing one more persuasive argument linked to our Theme. We'll plan it today and write it on Wednesday and Thursday!
You will have learnt when you researched Mount Everest last week, that many people have attempted to climb it. In fact, the number of people attempting to climb Everest each year is growing. However, many people believe that this is not actually a good thing! I'd like you to write a persuasive argument to tell people why they shouldn't climb Mount Everest!
Below, I've uploaded four documents that explain why. Source One focuses on the dangers caused by the climate and mountain itself. Source Two looks at the risks to the human body when climbing as well as the cost! Source Three looks at overcrowding and inexperienced climbers and Source Four considers the dangers to the environment.
Today, I'd like you to read through each source and make notes of any particularly important reasons against climbing Mount Everest. I'd then like you to put these reasons into the planning grid below. I've explained what should go where and I've completed the introduction part for you.
Remember, you are using bullet points on your plans. You don't need to write in full sentences!
LO: Can I plan a persuasive argument?
Yesterday, you should have worked out what your spelling words are. Have a look at the PowerPoint today and use the clues to find out the meanings of the words. I've also uploaded the spelling lists so you can see what they are.
Today I'd like you to write a sentence for each spelling word to show that you understand the meaning. The sentences can be silly! e.g. The tiger criticised the banana stew served by the monkey at his jungle restaurant!
Write each sentence in your best handwriting so you're practising this at the same time!
Today we're thinking about multiplying decimals by 10, 100 and 1000.
We know that when we multiply a number by 10, it gets 10 times bigger:
6 x 10 = 60 6.3 x 10 = 63
We know that when we multiply a number by 100, it gets 100 times bigger:
6 x 100 = 600 6.3 x 100 = 630
We know that when we multiply a number by 1000, it gets 1000 times bigger:
6 x 1000 = 6000 6.3 x 1000 = 6300
Use the place value grids to help you if you get stuck. You must do chilli 3 before you try super spicy!
LO: Can I multiply decimals by 10, 100 and 1000?
See below for your RE task for the day!
LO: As a theologist, can I explore Christian guidelines for living?
We have learnt so far that breakfast in Spanish is desayuno, lunch is almuerzo and today we are thinking about dinner!
Dinner in Spanish is cena (th -e - na)
Have a look at the PowerPoint and then have a go at the 2 activities below.
LO: As a linguist, can I name a variety of foods?
Monday 4th May
Good morning! Welcome back to another week of home learning. I hope that you all had a lovely weekend!
This is just a reminder that this school week is only a four day week because Friday 8th May is a bank holiday to celebrate VE Day so I won't be setting you any work on Friday!
I'll be putting up some activities linked to VE Day on Thursday but in the mean time, have a look at the VE Day folder Mrs Hoskins has created for you (which is on the webpage where the links for the different class pages are - Mrs Hoskins has set the school a special challenge to find out about members of your family that might have been affected by WW2. The challenge is optional so it's up to you whether you'd like to join in. There's lots of other fun activities too! Check it out and see what you think!
For our grammar lesson today, we're continuing with our work on modal verbs.
Check out the PowerPoint introduction to refresh your memory and then choose a chilli below.
Sentences can be written in books/on paper
LO: Can I use modal verbs?
This week for spelling, I'm not going to tell you your spelling words - I want you to work them out!
Below is a crack the code activity - it will reveal your spelling words and the rule for this week.
I'd like you to complete the activity (you can write the words in your book/on paper as you work them out) and then practise your spellings using the rainbow writing, pyramid, squiggle spelling or look, cover write, check techniques
Last week, we looked at adding and subtracting decimals and hopefully you're feeling confident with this now!
We're still thinking about decimals this week and today I'd like you to continue decimal sequences. We've done this with whole numbers previously and you do the same thing for decimals - work out what the rule is. Look carefully, are the numbers getting bigger or smaller? By how much? Then use this to help you find the missing numbers.
Have a look at the PowerPoint introduction to get your brains going and then choose a chilli below.
Remember, if you need help, you can always message me on the blog.
LO: Can I continue decimal sequences?
Last Friday, we looked at contour lines and how they can be used to show the height of mountains and hills on maps.
Contour lines are one type of marking or symbol that are used on maps. However, there are lots more symbols that can be found on OS maps (Ordnance Survey maps). This lesson, we are going to find out about them.
Have a look at the PowerPoint below to find out about some of the different symbols and what they represent.
There are even more symbols on the document below so use that to help you with today's work.
I would like you to create your own OS map using these symbols. I have attached a map of Tanworth-in-Arden that you may like to recreate but you are welcome to create a map of an imaginary place and include whatever features that you would like.
Remember to colour your map in if you have colouring pencils or crayons (or felts!) at home.
Remember to include a key as well to explain what the symbols represent.
LO: As a geographer, can I understand and use symbols on an OS map?