What's happening today?
Following on from our live lesson.
Today I would like you to write instructions for your Disgusting Sandwich or Smoothie that you made last week. Look back at the pictures you drew or the photographs you took to help you get the correct sequence. There are some photographs of your disgusting sandwiches above.
Remember you will need to:
Use a imperative verb (try to use a range of different ones)
Use a Time Connective ( First, Then, Next, After That, Finally)
Give enough detail so that it is clear.
First have a look at this Brain Warm up. You can discuss your answers or write them down!
Task Today
Take a look at these activity cards to complete today. Be careful with the scales on the pictograms as there is a scale of 2, 5, and 10. Printable PDF or Word files are below or you can work from the screen and record the answers on your paper. Good luck and look carefully!
Try these mindfulness activities today. You can do them at anytime and all of your family can join in. Which one do you find most relaxing? Remember they are in your 'tool kit' now and you can use them at any time.
Following the theme of Mental Health Week - Express yourself!