You can now access the weekly P.E task from the Class Pages link.
Don't forget to do some exercise when you can and burn off some energy!
Hi Class 1! I hope you are all well and enjoyed your Easter break with your families. Thank you for all the lovely work you have sent to me whilst school has been closed. It has really brought a smile to my face, I hope you've been enjoying the activities I've set for you so far and are looking forward for some more!
If we were in school today we would be starting our new topic! This term, our topic is: 'Paws, Claws and Whiskers!' It will involve lots of Science based work for the Science topic 'Animals, including humans'. In English, we will start to look at a traditional tale and make a change to it. In Maths, we will be continuing with measure this week, before moving onto various topics including multiplication, division and fractions.
Monday 20th April
English: Look at the picture below, what type of creature is it? Can you describe or write a story about this character?
Maths: Follow the link to watch the video entitled - Lesson 1- Introducing weight and mass
When you have watched the video have a go at this:
Human bodies
Name the parts of the external human body (head, neck, arms, elbows, legs, knees, face, ears, eyes, hair, mouth, teeth lips etc.)
Describe what we use these body parts for or what they do.
You could complete the sheets below or label yours, a sibling or a parent's body with post it note labels.