Good morning!
I hope that you all had a good day yesterday and got on well with the work - remember you can still send it to me and send me messages on the blog. It just might take me a little longer to answer!
A bit of news:
We're going to have a Teams call tomorrow at 10.45am. Remember to bring a pencil and some paper so you can join in with the Space quiz! I'm looking forward to seeing you all!
Mr Nicholls has asked me to remind you about the Virtual Schools Challenge. This week it's linked to tennis! You can find all of the details in the PE section of the website (which you can find on the same page as the class pages) It's an opportunity for you to represent Tanworth and win some Amazon vouchers! We came first last week and beat the other schools so let's see if we can do it again!
Have a lovely day! See you soon!
Today, we're going to begin to read out new text - Escape from Pompeii by Christina Balit.
Hopefully yesterday got you thinking about the text and excited to find out more!
Have a look at the first few pages in the document below. I've included the beautiful illustrations because they will help you with today's task...
I'd like you to use the text to create a mindmap showing everything we learn about Pompeii from the beginning part of the story.
You're going to have to be detectives and read the text really carefully, looking for things that it actually tells you but also things you can infer (work out) and things that the illustrations suggest.
Think about:
- the location of Pompeii
- the size of the city
- natural and manmade features
- who lives in the city
- how people feel about it
- what different areas there are in the city
- what jobs people in the city do
- what the city looks like (adjectives used to describe it)
- the history of the city - what has happened before
You are only allowed to use the text and illustrations - nothing else! Trust me, you find out loads from just those few pages!
Put the word Pompeii in the middle of your page in a bubble and then start creating your mindmap about Pompeii!
LO: Can I retrieve and infer information about a setting?
We're continuing to practise converting units of time today.
Can you remember:
60 seconds = _________________
1 hour = ___________________
60 minutes = _____________________
24 hours = _____________________
52 weeks = ____________________
7 days = _____________________
Think about how you got on yesterday and choose one of the tasks below:
LO: Can I convert units of time?
We're moving on from mountains and this half term we're going to think about volcanoes!
We're beginning by thinking about how volcanoes are formed and what the parts of a volcano are.
Look at the PowerPoint below - this is really important as it will help you with today's tasks.
Then choose one of the tasks to complete in your book.
LO: As a geographer, can I understand how volcanoes are formed and what they consist of?