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Friday 12th June



Today, I'd like you to finish your diary entry as either Tranio or Livia.


Read back through what you wrote yesterday - check it for:

- spellings

- missing words/bits that don't make sense

- missing punctuation


Then reread my WAGOLL to remind you about the kinds of things that I'm looking for in your piece of work.


I'd love to see these when they're finished so please take a photo for the blog or send them to me via email!


LO: Can I write a diary entry?

Guided Reading


Have a listen to the next chapter of "King of the Cloud Forests" below:

Chapter 6.mp3

This is an important chapter and a lot happened!

For your task today, I'd like you to summarise what happened.

You can either:


- write a summary of what happened in the chapter OR

- create a comic strip of the chapter using the template below


LO: Can I summarise?



Yesterday you practised measuring angles by reading from a protractor.


Today, I'd like you to draw your own angles and then measure them using the protractor.


Draw your own angles by drawing a second line on the sheet below and then use the images of the protractor to measure the angle you created.


LO: Can I draw and measure angles?



This week, we'll begin our new RE module - What matters most to Christians and Humanists?

The first thing that we need to do is to find out what a humanist is.


Look at the PowerPoint below and then I'd like you to create a leaflet, poster or PowerPoint exploring what a humanist is and what they believe.


LO: As a theologist, can I explore what a humanist believes?
