Today you are going to use your learning from MyMaths to find the duration (the length of time) of different events. You have a timetable from a day out and need to find out how long different things have taken. Read each question carefully before calculating the time.
Here is a reminder of how you can calculate the time duration or interval:
Number 1 is the easiest and Number 3 is the hardest. Choose which one you want to tackle today!
English/ Theme
This week, we are going to be looking at a very important event that involves probably the most famous Pharaoh, Tutankhamun. Click below to read the story about the archaeologist, Howard Carter and his quest to find the tomb.
Tomorrow you are going to be in role as Howard Carter and describing what happened. Can you remember the events that led him to find the tomb and get to the second door?
I'd like you to create a list of bullet points to help you prepare to write a recount/ diary entry.
List the key things that happened and add in some of the feelings that you think Howard Carter would have been experiencing.
We are moving into our last topic of the year in our RE -' Who is the Buddha and what does it mean to be a Buddhist in Britain today?'
Buddhism is one of the main 6 world faiths and there are 376 million followers worldwide. But what do Buddhists believe and who is the Buddha? For a short introduction, follow the link below and watch the video.