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Look what we've been up to...

Brazilian Carnival Masks

We have been making our wonderful Brazilian Carnival Masks in Design Technology. Once we are back in school, we will enjoy our Brazilian Carnival.

The Amazon- Home Learning Projects

Thank you to all the children who shared their fabulous home learning projects with the rest of the class. What amazing work you have been doing from home. Thank you also to the parents who helped or got involved with the projects too.


In our science lessons, we have been studying the smallest living beings on earth: microorganisms. We decided to grow some of our own! We researched different types of microorganisms and then decided to carry out an investigation of:'What are the best conditions for growing mould?'


Our first theme this term is The Amazon; with a big focus on rivers. We have learnt all the different parts of a river, how it starts from the water cycle; we have studied, in depth, the River Amazon and create our own 3D waterfalls!


With a focus on living things in science, we looked at artists that also focused on living things, and in particular: animals!

Sean Briggs- Rabbits

Albrect Drurer- Rhinos

Henry Moore- Sheep


In English, we have become extremely passionate about plastic pollution and wanted to educate others so our first mission was to create information leaflets about how plastic is affecting our oceans. We then wanted to target the source of the problem: the supermarkets! Therefore, we wrote to persuade Sainburys, whom we discovered to be one of the worst for plastic usage, to reduce their use of the deadly material!
