Good morning children
We're going to have a nice and easy day today to ease ourselves back into work after the half term.
The activities set today shouldn't take you too long but remember you can do these additional activities if you would like to do more work:
- read a book on the Bug Club
- complete your P.E. daily activities (home learning page)
- complete an art project (home learning page)
- get outside for some fresh air
- handwriting and number formation practise
9:30 - Morning Phonics Live Lesson
1:45 / 2:00 - Afternoon Feedback Session
You will need a piece of paper/notebook/whiteboard and something to write with. You probably won't need it in the lesson but bring it just in case my screen doesn't share with you.
Phase 5: 's' and 'z' written as 'se'
Activity 1: Tricky Word Song
Activity 2: Obb or Bob
Activity 3: Write a definition for the Bob words.
For example:
A purse is...
A noise is...
A horse is...
We're going to be looking at a non-fiction book called Polar Animals by Wade Cooper.
Please listen to the book below and answer the questions from the quiz at the end.
As you're listening to the information about the animals, I also want you to think about the environment the animals live in as you will need this information for your Geography work later.
Finding one more with numbers 0 to 50
Use the song to count to 100.
When working out one more remember the number will be increasing in value and it's just like counting on.
You can use your 100 grid to help you if you can't do one more in your head.
Work out one more than the following numbers:
Work out the following sums:
28 + 1 =
32 + 1 =
49 + 1 =
41 + 1 =
Work out the following problem:
Miss Smith has 37 bars of chocolate.
Mrs Jones gives her one more.
How many bars of chocolate does Miss Smith have now?
Think back to our story of Polar Animals, you can re-watch it above if you like.
From the information in the story and your prior knowledge, I would like you to tell me what the differences are between a Polar region and our country, the UK. You can talk about animals, the environment and/or the weather.
You can do this in whichever way you like but here are some ideas.
- pretend you are a TV presenter and tell me the facts on a video (you might make some props to help you)
- create a 'Polar Picture' showing all the things that Polar places have different to the UK (this could be made 3D using cotton wool etc.
- draw pictures of the individual differences and label them.
You might be interested in watching the video below