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Friday 5th February 2021



What's happening today?


  • Before our meeting enjoy your reading book.
  • 9.20 - 9.40 Meet me online at 9.20 to celebrate our Mental Health Week. You will need a piece of paper and pencil.
  • P.S.H.E/Theme Activity, following on from our live session - see below
  • Brain Break - Time to wiggle and dance along today! 
  • R.E./SINGING TASK - see below.
  • Mental Health Week  GOLDEN TIME - See below
  • 2.00 - 2.15 Meet me online to share and celebrate your pictures and to celebrate all of you!

P.S.H.E/Theme Activity


Today, after all your hard word with our tricky Maths and English tasks yesterday, I thought we would think about that idea of a 'beautiful oops' and create something wonderful from a mistake!


At school you always hear the message that if you make a mistake, it doesn't matter but sometimes no matter how often we are told, we can be really hard on ourselves when a mistake happens!


I really liked the story this morning because even something you think looks like a mess can be turned into something wonderful and new!  


I think Mrs Hall and I should rebrand our messy 'cupboard of doom' as a 'beautiful oops' instead!


Today I would like you to let your imaginations guide you! I would like you to create a drawing from one black dot! Then use felt tips, pencils, crayons, paints or anything you have at home to create your masterpieces. Take a look at the ideas below.


A dot, smudge, stain, spill can be turned into anything that your imagination can create. Just like our story this morning. I have put the story below again in case you would like to watch it again. 


Make your black dot quite large like we practised today on our teams meeting. You can print out a black dot page below, there are a few pages with the dot in different positions or you can draw your own large black dot! 


Remember your piece should be a finished picture so think carefully about your presentation. 



Black dot template

Beautiful Oops - Read aloud

"Beautiful Oops" by Barney Saltsberg This book is great at helping children think about "mistakes" as beautiful opportunities to try something new.

Brain Break

Trolls: Can't Stop The Feeling | GoNoodle

Get that sunshine in your pocket and that good soul in your feet as you dance, dance, dance!

R.E/Singing Task


Thank you for all the lovely pictures I received for Rev. Paul yesterday your designs were really thoughtful. Don't forget to send them to me before Monday Lunchtime if you are still working on yours. 


Well I have another job for you to do today and again it is a whole school job. If you have brothers or sisters in different year groups they also have this task today!


It is a singing task and you will need some to complete it today. Please don't worry if you are not able to complete this task. smiley


Mr Fidler had set up a page that explains exactly what you have to do. If you follow the link below you will find out what you have to do.  

Mental Health Week

When you have finished your school work today. I would like you to choose three things that you would like to do for your Mental Health Week - Golden Time. Make sure they make you happy and you enjoy every single one! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

