Desert Life!
Turning ourselves into pharaohs. We used a side profile photograph of ourselves and designed an Egyptian headdress to go on our heads. We used pencil sketching for the pattern and then oil pastels for the colour.
National Curriculum focus: Prepare and cook a variety of predominantly savoury dishes using a range of cooking techniques.
The children explored current varieties of soups, designed their own, carried out a consumer survey to enable them to choose a final recipe to make.
They enjoyed peeling, chopping, preparing meat and boiling and roasting different foods (all under adult supervision of course).
The evaluations of the taste test were a mixed bag! But the fun was unanimous!
To coincide with the children's hard work with designing and making their soups; they were then faced with the task of writing instructions for the next year 4 children to follow.
Our Tanworth tradition. Look at us all suited and booted ready for the parade. Happy Easter all!