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Summer Week 1 W/C: 20.04.20

Friday 24th April



We're continuing to think about the features of persuasive arguments today. Yesterday, you should have thought about each feature and what it means and you should have been able to match examples of each feature to the name.

Today, we're going to look at identifying the features within a persuasive argument. 

I've uploaded 2 arguments - choose one and then you need to complete the table (on the sheet or in your book) by giving an example of each feature within the text. Look at my example to see how to do it. 


LO: Can I identify features of persuasive arguments?

Guided Reading

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of King of the Cloud Forests yesterday.

Today I'd like you to answer some questions about the chapter.

You can either write the answers on the sheet or write the question and answer into your book. I've put the page number you need to look at to find the answer and the text itself can be found in the work from yesterday.


LO: Can I answer questions about a text?


We're back to normal maths today after out St George's Day themed activity yesterday.

Cast your minds back to Wednesday when we found fractions of amounts. Today we're using this learning to find percentages of amounts.


Look at the PowerPoint/PDF below for an explanation about how to answer the questions. Then choose a chilli to have a go at :)


LO: Can I find percentages of amounts?




I think you'll enjoy our PSHE task today. Watch the video below where I explain and show you what I'd like you to do!


Peaks and Pits.mp4

Still image for this video


Our new science topic this half term is Forces and it links really nicely to our Groundshakers theme!

Below, I've uploaded something called a "Knowledge organiser" These are something new for science that we are introducing across the school. They cover everything that you need to know for each science module. The idea is that they will be a useful reference point for you if you get stuck or aren't sure about anything. You don't need to do anything with them. Just have a read through smiley I've also uploaded the knowledge organisers for the other modules that we've done in science this year - hopefully lots of the information looks familiar!

Our task today is to think about gravity!


I'd like you to do some research using the internet to find out the answers to these questions:

  • What is gravity?
  • What does gravity do?
  • What is the difference between mass and weight?
  • Is gravity the same everywhere?
  • How can we measure gravity?


Extension (optional questions to think about)

  • What happen to an object dropped in Australia or New Zealand?
  • If you drop a heavy thing and a light thing at the same time, which do you think will hit the ground first?


These websites might be useful:


When you've done some research and think you have the answers to the questions, I'd like you to create a poster explaining everything you've found out about gravity! Remember, I'd love to see your work so take some photos if you can and upload them to the blog.

Thursday 23rd April


Hello Year 5

Thank you to those of you that posted work and left a message on the blog yesterday. It is so lovely to hear from you and see all of the work you've done! You put a huge smile on my face so thank you very much smiley



Yesterday, you read through some persuasive arguments and picked out the structure - the introduction explaining what the writer is persuading the reader to do or think, three reasons to help persuade the reader and I don't know whether you noticed, but there is a conclusion as well. This summarises and reminds the reader of what the writer has said. When we come to write our persuasive arguments, we'll be using the same structure - introduction, reason 1, reason 2, reason 3 and conclusion.


There were also lots of persuasive phrases in the arguments, which I'm hoping some of you spotted. Phrases such as: I'm sure you'll agree that, Obviously, I strongly believe, It makes sense that...


Persuasive phrases are one feature of a persuasive argument but there are more features and techniques that writers use when they try to persuade someone. This is what we're thinking about today!


LO: Can I identify features of persuasive writing?


Read through the document below, which goes through the different features and explains them.

Then you need to open the second document, read the examples that I have written and decide which feature matches each example. You can write on the sheet or in your books. 

Guided Reading

It's time to start our story!

I've attached a PowerPoint/PDF below with the pages from chapter 1. This chapter sets up the setting and the characters' back stories. Have a read through - remember, you can read with a parent or another adult, sibling or by yourself. I know it's strange reading from a screen rather than a book but we'll give it a whirl and see how it goes!

I told you this book contained some amazing vocabulary and it does. Some of it may be new to you so for the task today, I'd like you to find the meanings of 9 words from the chapter. Have a look at the task for more detail. 


LO: Can I understand the meaning of vocabulary in context?



Today is St. George's Day! I thought because of this, it might be nice to have a break from normal maths and do some St. George's Day themed maths instead!

Read through the information about St. George's Day.

Then there are 2 maths mysteries - an easier one and a trickier one. These do include some skills that we haven't looked at yet so it might be an idea to try the easier one unless you're feeling super confident!

If you can print it out then you can write on the sheet but if you don't have a printer, don't worry! Just keep a note of the answers on a piece of paper or in your book!

If you're struggling then please don't worry - just focus on your other learning! If you want to write the name of the criminal when you've solved the mystery then you can! I won't publish them until tomorrow night to let everyone have a go if they'd like to.


Hopefully you had a chance to complete yesterday's theme task and you can now locate some of the world's famous mountain ranges. Today, we're going to find out a little more about each mountain.

The document  below has the name of different mountains. For each one, I'd like you to find out the height of the mountain, the country it is located in and the continent it is located in. You could also write an interesting fact about each mountain if want to.

You could write on the sheet if you have a printer. You could then cut out each triangle and stick the mountains in order of height or group them based on the continent they're located in. If you don't have a printer, you could draw the triangles into your book or you could do subtitles with the name of each mountain and then write the facts underneath. It's your choice how you present the information so feel free to do it creatively!


LO: As a geographer, can I research famous mountains? 

Wednesday 22nd April


Good morning you lovely lot!

Can you all take a second to stop by the blog today. I've done another virtual register and I'd like to see as many people in the class as possible saying good morning to me! (or at least beat Monday's total of 7 cheeky) While you're there, perhaps you could let me know what you decided was the most important thing for me to take on my mountain climbing expedition or perhaps let me know what you wrote for change my mind yesterday... I'm ever so curious!



Now, the reason we played the "change my mind" game yesterday was because it links to our new topic in English, which is persuasive writing! Persuasion is when you try to influence other people by getting them to do something that you'd like them to or think something that you'd like them to. We use persuasion in our daily lives (think about all those times you tried to persuade your parents to let you do something or all of those times they've tried to persuade you to clean your room!)

This half term, we'll be writing some persuasive arguments using formal language. Don't worry though, we'll look at it step by step.


Firstly, we're going to think about the structure of a persuasive argument. Usually, there is an introduction where you explain what you are trying to persuade the person to think/do and then there are at least three different reasons why. It's important to have lots of reasons rather than just one as this is more persuasive. 


Today, I've uploaded 3 persuasive arguments. I want you to read them and then pick out the structure for each one - what the person is trying to persuade the reader of and the three reasons why.

You can either do this by completing the table on the sheet, drawing the table into your book and completing it or by setting it out in the example I've given if you don't have a printer and don't want to draw out the table.


LO: Can I identify the structure of a persuasive argument?

Guided Reading

I've decided to start a new guided reading book with you. That's not to say that we won't finish Percy Jackson (Hopefully I'll be able to continue to read that to you for fun when we're back at school!) but I've found a lovely book that links to our new topic. I will alternate between reading bits to you and uploading the pages for you to read at home. You can do this alone, with a sibling or with a parent - whatever you prefer. I know lots of you are reading at home but having a shared book will help to bring us together! Plus, it is full of fantastic vocabulary that you'll be able to use in your writing!


The book is...

King of the Cloud Forests by Michael Morpurgo


Today, I want you to look at the front cover - on the PDF below.

Write the date and LO in your book - LO: Can I make predictions?

then write out and answer the following questions:


1. What do you think the title means - King of the Cloud Forests?

2. Where do you think the story is set? Why?

3. Who do you think the people might be? Why?

4. What do you think might happen in the story? Why?


There are no right and wrong answers here! Just use the front cover to help you make the predictions and explain why you think this. Have fun!


We're looking at finding fractions of amounts today. This is something that we did not that long ago but I want to revise it and make sure we know how to do it!

I've put instructions on each of the chillies below. Chilli 3 is quite tricky and there is a PowerPoint to help you understand how to answer the questions. Have a look at each chilli and see which you fancy doing :)


LO: Can I find fractions of an amount?


Our first proper theme lesson on our new topic!

This half term we will be looking at mountains and after half term, we will switch to looking at volcanoes and earthquakes. 


Today, we are thinking about where mountains are in the World. Have a look at the PowerPoint introduction which introduces your task (and also contains a video for you to watch!)

Then I would like you to look at the task. You need to use Google maps (or an atlas) to locate the mountain ranges. Type the name of the mountains into Google maps and then use the website to help you decide which letter matches which mountain range. 

As always, you can write on the sheet or you can write directly into your book. A = … B = … etc.

I've also included answers on the PowerPoint but don't look at them until you've done the task! I will know! cheeky


LO: As a geographer, can I locate mountain ranges around the world?



Tuesday 21st April


Good morning all

Please see below for today's work. Can you please all make sure that you're logging into the blog as I only had 7 children for my virtual register yesterday! surprise I put up lots of different messages on the blog so it's important that you're checking in regularly. I'd also like to see everyone leaving a comment or uploading a photo of their work at least once per week please. Thank you!




I think you'll have fun with this one today.

We're going to play a game called "Change my mind!"

On the PDF below, I have written 6 statements. I'd like you to choose 3 of them that you feel strongly about and write a short paragraph about each one (3 paragraphs in total) to change my mind! You can write the paragraphs into your book or type them. You can even put them onto the blog if you'd like to! Remember, if you're going to change my mind, you need to impress me with your reasoning, vocabulary and grammar so think carefully about it. You don't need to write a lot but it needs to be effective!

Let's see whether you can indeed change my mind...


Please see the poster below for a reminder of what your spelling words are this week.

I'd like you to have a go at the jumble puzzle today. Each one of your spelling words has had its letters jumbled up - can you unscramble them to work out what word it is? You can write on the sheet or directly into your book - whichever is easiest!

There is also an optional wordsearch containing your spellings if you'd like to have a go.


Our last lesson on equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages today! I've been really pleased with the examples of work that I've seen so keep it up! 


I've uploaded a help poster for if you get stuck today but remember...

45/100 = 45% or 0.45

45/100 also equals 9/20 (if you divide 45 and 100 by 5) so remember you can simplify fractions too.


1/5 = 20/100 (remember to turn the denominator into 100) = 20% = 0.20 or 0.2


Think carefully about all of your learning from the last few weeks - you've got this!  


We're beginning our new module this half term - Gospel.

Have a look at the document below - it has a bit of information to read, a video to watch (yay!) and a short task to complete. There are no real right and wrongs with this as a lot of it is based on your reflections and personal thoughts so please don't worry about getting it "right". 


This half term, we are thinking about all things food!

Beginning with the most important meal of the day - breakfast!

In Spanish, breakfast is desayuno (des-eye-oo-no)

There is a choice of tasks below and some optional extras if you want to keep brushing up on your Spanish but essentially I'd like you to find out the names of some foods that are eaten for breakfast in Spain (and in England!) 

Have fun with this, rope your family in and learn together - Spanish is meant to be fun so enjoy!


Useful websites:


Monday 20th April


Welcome back Year 5! 

I hope that you've had a lovely Easter break and that you're ready and raring to get stuck into some more home learning!

Remember, all you can do is try your best. I am SO proud of the effort you've put in so far so keep it up!

I miss you all and can't wait to see your faces soon smiley



LO: Can I use commas correctly?

I'm warming your brains up with a bit more work on commas. We need to crack this before you go into Year 6!

Copy each sentence into your book and put the commas in the correct place.

(There might be more than one comma needed in a sentence for some questions)




You use a comma in a list:

Miss Cutler loved to sit in her garden to read, listen to music and watch the birds.


You use a comma between two adjectives:

Miss Cutler ate lots of delicious, chocolatey Easter eggs!


You use a comma after a fronted adverbial:

Grinning to herself, Miss Cutler set Year 5 a challenge. (manner)

On the first week back, Miss Cutler planned some interesting tasks. (time)

Working from home, Year 5 tried their very best. (place)


You use a comma after a subordinate clause:

Although she wasn't very good, Miss Cutler loved to sing loudly in her car.


You use a comma to show a relative clause:

Miss Cutler, who was Year 5's teacher, loved her job.

Miss Cutler couldn't wait to see her class, who were working from home.


You use a comma to show parenthesis (extra information):

When it rained, and it often did in England, Miss Cutler loved to watch films.

Miss Cutler watched the dog, running and barking in the park.


You use a comma when you're punctuating speech:

"Is it Monday yet?" asked Miss Cutler, "I want to get back to school!"



Have a look at the PowerPoint to introduce your spellings.

If it isn't working, I've uploaded the spellings list.


Task 1 - practise your spellings with one of the following:

Rainbow writing - using a different colour for each syllable

Pyramids - write the first letter, then the first two letters below, then the first three letters below etc

Squiggle spellings - draw a large squiggle on your page and then write each word over and over again inside one of the loops

Look, cover, write, check - you know how to do this! No cheating!


Task 2 - handwriting

You can either print out the sheet and do your handwriting straight onto it or just do a line of each word in your book in your neatest, cursive handwriting.



LO: Can I find equivalent fractions, percentages and decimals?

We're continuing to think about equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages for the next few days before we move on to finding fractions and percentages of amounts. 


Watch the videos below to jog your memory before attempting one of the tasks below...


Chilli 1 - using pictures to find equivalent fractions, percentages and decimals

Chilli 2 - a codebreaker using equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages

Chilli 3 - as above but extra tricky :)


You can write on the sheet if you have a printer or just do it straight into your books if you don't have one. Remember, there is no exact way to set things out so adapt it as you need to. 

Video 1.mp4

Still image for this video

Video 2.mp4

Still image for this video


And now... the moment you've all been waiting for...


Our new theme is...




Groundshakers is a geography-based theme and we will be learning all about mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes. 

It is such an interesting theme and I know that you're going to enjoy it!


Before we get started, we need to do our sparkly start! This is a little bit different to how I would have done it if you were at school but hopefully you'll still enjoy it...


Open the PDF below to find out what your task is...

