Space Day!
As we unfortunately had to cancel out Thinktank trip due to the heat, Year 5 have instead busied themselves by engaging in a 'Space Day' involving lots of fun space themed activities! Firstly, we got started on some space mindfulness colouring as a warm up to our galactic galaxy oil paintings which turned out amazingly! Then, we got stuck into the watercolour marble effect planets and finished these off with white paint splatters for stars. The children then went on a scavenger hunt around UKS2 to find all the space facts in the quickest time! We then finally created our fun UFO aliens while watching WALLE. A fab day had by all
Pitta Baking
Year 5 made their Greek inspired Pitta breads today as part of their fantastic finale for their theme. The children worked in teams of 4/5 to create the dough mixture. Whilst it was proving they then wrote up their methods as they were fresh in their minds! The children then split the dough into 6 parts and each child added their own personal twist in the form of items such as ham, cheese, oregano, basil and unsurprisingly, many of them chose chocolate! The final creations look fantastic and the children should be really proud of how well they listened and cooperated (even when clearing up at the end!).
Sponsored Row
Year 5 completed their sponsored row of the English Channel for sports week. It was lovely to see them really encourage others to succeed and hear lots of them asking to do it again or whether they could have more time! We certainly found some impressive rowers in the class too. Thank you to all of Year 5's family and friends for sponsoring and giving them the motivation to complete the big row.
Looking Forward
Today, we focussed on aspirations and what it means to positively aspire to the future... even if we are a little bit nervous about some things! We looked at how we can take action on the things we are nervous about and how aspirations help us reach our goals. Then, we looked carefully at how next year will bring new responsibilities and what this might mean for the children in developing their maturity, independence and becoming role models.
Taste Testers!
In DT today, the children became taste testers for different types of bread. They put their senses to the test and decided on the taste, texture, appearance, weight, origin and star rating of 8 different bread types. They will use this going forward when evaluating their own pitta breads and looking at what they want their bake to look, feel and taste like.
Stamp Artwork
We started Jubilee week making bunting and decorations for the school. We incorporated out art skills into this and the children created some lovely silhouette stamps of the queen using their own stencil, sponges and stamp designs. They then designed the back of the stamp so they were all unique. These will be made into bunting for Friday's Jubilee celebrations.
1970s Dance Rehearsal
Today, the children took part in their first rehearsal for their 1970s dance for the jubilee picnic. They all got their best 70s moves out and after just a few attempts they mastered the moves and were very synchronised! Only a few more practices until they perform it in full 1970s attire too!
Clay Creations
Today, the children started the practical part of their art project this half term. Last week they created a mood board of clay pots and famous sculptures to generate inspiration. Then today the children have sketched 4 designs they like the look of and moulded their favourite into clay! It involved some tricky skills such as creating slips, carving, rolling and flattening (and lots of hand washing!) but they all got their eventually and created some fab pieces. We will paint these in a Greek style next week.
Irreversible Reactions!
In science today, the children consolidated their learning on reversible and irreversible reactions through an experiment. We created a new gas material by mixing bicarbonate of soda with vinegar which resulted in the chemical change taking place and the balloon blew up. The children recorded their methods and observations into their books and detailed how this reaction was irreversible and how we could tell.