Welcome to Week 2! I hope you all had a good weekend. Just a reminder below about the support email address available to you if needed then scroll down for this week's learning! Don't forget to check back to last week's to see some examples of your wonderful work as well. I'm really looking forward to seeing some more of your learning and activities this week. I've also included a mindfulness activity for you to have a go at during the week if you would like to try it. Mindfulness can be really helpful in calming the body and mind, taking some time out from our daily lives to be still and relax. As well as your learning last week, I was also excited to find out that Brwyn had been on video, included in the virtual St George's Day Service! Please remember to let me know whether you are happy for your work to be shared on the website when you email it to me and please try to be in contact at least once during the week via email or the blog.
Enjoy the learning!
Miss Cottrell
Are you feeling worried or concerned? Do you have questions?
There may be more things that make you feel worried or concerned at the moment. If you were at school, you would be able to talk to school adults as well as your parents. This is still possible! Mrs Bamford and Miss Evens are available for you to share your worries, concerns or questions with them. Please use the email address supportme3311@welearn365.com. They will answer your emails and hopefully be able to reassure you.
Mindfulness Activity
Have a go at this activity at least once this week. It can be done inside or outside. If you really enjoy it, you could do it every day. The idea is to take a few minutes (5 minutes is fine) out from your day to help your body and mind feel calm and still. This week's involves focusing on sounds. Sit comfortably with both feet on the floor (or you can sit on the floor if you find that more comfortable). Close your eyes if you are comfortable doing so and breathe in and out nice and slowly. Now, focus on the sounds that you can hear. Notice each sound then let it go and listen out for other sounds. Try not to focus on what you can see but just on the sounds that you hear. After a few minutes, open your eyes and bring your focus back to the room. Afterwards, you might want to share or reflect on the sounds that you heard.