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Follow the link and watch the video called 'Multiply and divide by 3'.  If you fancy having a dance and sing song watch the youtube video of a 3x table song! 


Choose your Chilli challenge.


Chilli 1: Can you fill in the multiplication grid for the 3x table.  

Chilli 2: There are a number of different arrays for 3x table facts but a hand has covered them up!  Can you use your knowledge of arrays and the 3x table to solve the problem?

Chilli 3: There are a number of mixed missing number multiplication and division facts for the 3 x table.  Can you find the missing numbers?

Challenge: If you fancy a challenge make the scales balance!


Brain break


English: Meet me at 10 o'clock for our English lesson.  We will be creating a list poem based on the story so far.


Brain break


Science: Click on the link and work through the quiz, watch the video and finish by completing the final quiz. Work alongside the video, send me any pictures or videos of the musical instrument you make! Let me know your score in the final quiz in the Word document attached.
