We set homework to give children the chance to practise the skills they learn in class to help them consolidate and embed learning. Nothing new is taught but it helps the children to have extra exposure to the concepts we've covered. Children (or parents) may mark homework themselves to self-assess their understanding and enable them to have a discussion with me in school if they have found something difficult. Homework is for the children. It's about developing ownership of their learning and an understanding that if they want to succeed, they need to put the work in!
If children are unable to do homework due to a particularly busy week, they can catch up the following week as books will not need to be handed in weekly. Instead, I'd like to see homework books once a half term to monitor that children are engaging with the homework and completing some of it. There is no exact 'hand in date' but I'd like to see homework books at some point in the last week of each half term. This way, I can identify children who aren't engaging and discuss why.
This way of doing homework is being trialled this academic year and we always welcome your feedback.
Miss Cutler
Homework 26.4.24
- Reading - Read every day for the next week (10 minutes minimum)
- English – Part One = LBQ reading assessment
Part Two = LBQ English/grammar review
- Maths – LBQ = reasoning assessment
LBQ code: 36 pw 6d zb
(remember to go to independent study!)
Homework 19.4.24
- Reading - Read every day for the next week (10 minutes minimum)
- English – Part One = LBQ reading assessment
Part Two = LBQ English/grammar review
- Maths – LBQ = arithmetic assessment
LBQ code: 36 pw 6d zb
(remember to go to independent study!)
Homework 12.4.24
- Reading - Read every day for the next week (10 minutes minimum)
- English – 2 LBQs on using prefixes
- Maths – 2 LBQs on fractions and multiplying fractions by whole numbers
- TT rock stars
LBQ code: 36 pw 6d zb
(remember to go to independent study!)
You may like to do an LBQ every day – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, you may like to do all the LBQs over the weekend or you may choose to do 2 on a Monday/Tuesday and 2 on a Wednesday/Thursday – it’s up to you J You will not be able to complete the LBQs after 9am on Friday 19th April.
- Easter homework – This is due in on Friday 19th April and we will go through it in class J
Homework 15.3.24
- Reading - Read every day for the next week (10 minutes minimum)
- English – LBQ on using the past and present progressive tense
- Maths – LBQ on comparing and ordering fractions, decimals and percentages
- TT rock stars
- History – Optional LBQ on the Blitz during WW2
LBQ code: 36 pw 6d zb
(remember to go to independent study!)
Homework 1.3.24
- Reading - Read every day for the next week (10 minutes minimum)
- English – LBQ on main, subordinate and relative clauses
- Maths – LBQ on rounding decimals
- TT rock stars
LBQ code: 36 pw 6d zb (remember to go to independent study!)
Homework 2.2.24
- Reading - Read every day for the next week (10 minutes minimum)
It would be really nice to get some more half-millionaires and millionaires! Remember that reading helps in all of your other areas of learning too.
- Spelling - We're going to continue to consolidate our understanding of Y2 and Y3 spelling rules as they are a gap in our learning. Complete the spelling activities from the sheet below.
- English – This is our last homework on colons and semi-colons! I would like you to apply all of our learning to some SATS-style questions! They will be good practise for our next lot of practise SAT papers.
- Maths – Your understanding of algebra has been amazing so far! Continue to consolidate your learning by answering the questions in the activity below.
Homework 26.1.24
- Reading - Read every day for the next week (10 minutes minimum)
It would be really nice to get some more half-millionaires and millionaires! Remember that reading helps in all of your other areas of learning too.
- Spelling - We're going to continue to consolidate our understanding of Y2 and Y3 spelling rules as they are a gap in our learning. Complete the spelling activities from the sheet below.
- English – look at the teaching presentation for using semi-colons for clauses and then have a go at the activities to help consolidate your understanding.
- Maths – You did fabulously with problem solving using your ratio skills today! I’d like you to continue your hard work with some more problems for homework this week.
Remember: if in doubt, draw it out!
Homework 19.1.24
- Reading - Read every day for the next week (10 minutes minimum) It would be really nice to get some more half millionaires and millionaires! Find a book and get reading!
- Spelling - We're going to continue to consolidate our understanding of Y2 and Y3 spelling rules as they are a gap in our learning. Complete the spelling activities on the activity sheet below.
- English – work through activities on using colons and semi-colons for lists. Next week, we’re looking at using them for clauses so we need to feel really confident with this skill!
- Maths – Consolidate our learning on ratio by completing the activities. There’s a challenge if you’re feeling confident!
Homework 12.1.24
- Reading - Read every day for the next week (10 minutes minimum)
- Spelling - We're going to continue to consolidate our understanding of Y2 and Y3 spelling rules as they are a gap in our learning. Complete the spelling activities on the activity sheet below.
- English – work through activities on nouns and verbs.
- Maths – Consolidate our learning on fractions of amounts and finding the total.
Homework 8.12.23
- Reading - Read every day for the next week (10 minutes minimum)
- Spelling
- We're going to continue to consolidate our understanding of Y2 and Y3 spelling rules as they are a gap in our learning. Complete the spelling activities on the activity sheet below.
- English – After completing our assessments, I can see that a gap in our learning is recognising nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs.
Nouns – person, place or thing
Adjectives – describe a noun
Verb – a doing/action word
Adverb – describes how, where or when the verb is done
Use this information to complete the activity below.
- Maths – Homework is adding and subtracting mixed numbers – I know this is tricky so it’s important we practise so that we feel confident using the different methods. If you get stuck or you can’t remember how to do it, watch the videos to refresh your memory.
Homework 1.12.23
- Reading - Read every day for the next week (10 minutes minimum)
- Spelling - We're going to continue to consolidate our understanding of Y2 and Y3 spelling rules as they are a gap in our learning. Complete the spelling activities on the activity sheet below.
- English – In preparation for assessment week, have a go at these test-style grammar and spelling questions.
- Maths – Have a go at the test-style arithmetic questions.
Homework 24.11.23
- Reading - Read every day for the next week (10 minutes minimum)
- Spelling
- We're going to continue to consolidate our understanding of Y2 and Y3 spelling rules as they are a gap in our learning. Complete the spelling activities on the activity sheet below.
- English – After writing our setting descriptions this week, we know we need to work on our homophones. Choose the homophone you need to work on and complete the activities based on the sheet and mark your work using the answers!
- Maths – Homework is adding and subtracting fractions – it’s important we’re confident with this so complete the activity below.
Homework 17.11.23
- Reading - Read every day for the next week (10 minutes minimum)
- Spelling
- We're going to continue to consolidate our understanding of Y2 and Y3 spelling rules as they are a gap in our learning. Complete the spelling activities on the activity sheet below.
- English – We’re going to practise using hyphens and recognising where they have been used correctly. Complete the activities based on the sheet and mark your work using the answers!
- Maths
- PART ONE – If you need a recap on the order of operations, watch the video below. Otherwise, go straight onto the questions!
- PART TWO – Have a go at the questions to practise using BODMAS. You don’t need to do all of the questions but perhaps aim for working out what 2 of the mathematical words are.
Homework 10.11.23
- Reading - Read every day for the next week (10 minutes minimum)
- Spelling
- PART ONE - We're going to continue to consolidate our understanding of Y2 and Y3 spelling rules. Complete the spelling activities on the activity sheet below.
- PART TWO - We have now finished our SCODE unit on the 'sh' code. After completing our end of unit test, two of the words we're finding tricky as a class are pronunciation and conscious. Practise these words using one of the techniques on the sheet below!
- English – We’re going to practise using colons again. Look at the sentences on the sheet and decide if the colon has been used correctly. If it hasn’t, can you rewrite the sentence with the colon in the correct place?
- Maths
- PART ONE – If you need a recap on long division, watch the video below. Otherwise, go straight onto the questions!
- PART TWO – Have a go at the questions using long division to find the answers – there are 12 questions. You don’t have to do them all but I’d like a minimum of 4 please J
Homework 20.10.23
- Reading - Read every day for the next week (10 minutes minimum)
- Spelling - We're going to consolidate our understanding of Y2 and Y3 spelling rules as it’s a gap in our knowledge thanks to Covid! Complete the spelling activities on the activity sheet below.
- English - Revise our learning on using a colon to introduce a list by adding a colon and a list to each of the sentences on the document. Remember – the sentence before the colon must be a main clause (make sense on its own) and you need to use a comma to separate each item in your list apart from the last one, where you use ‘and’ instead
- Maths – We’ve gone over long multiplication and short division in class this week. Practise both by completing the questions on the document below.
Homework 13.10.23
- Reading - Read every day for the next week (10 minutes minimum)
- Handwriting - We're going to combine our handwriting and spelling! Handwriting is to practise a selection of words from the Year 5 and 6 spelling list, which features words that you should know how to spell by the end of Year 6.
- English - Revise our learning on parenthesis by completing the task below. Remember to use a mixture of brackets, dashes and commas. (Tip – you don’t need to start with a relative pronoun for parenthesis but you can if you want to!)
- Maths
- PART ONE - Watch the video, which is about prime numbers. Answer the questions as the video goes through. Don’t worry when it talks about the worksheet.
- PART TWO – Choose one of the tasks to complete. Both involve practising identifying prime numbers.
Homework 6.10.23
- Reading - Read every day for the next week (10 minutes minimum)
- Handwriting - We're going to combine our handwriting and spelling! Handwriting is to practise a selection of words from the Year 5 and 6 spelling list, which features words that you should know how to spell by the end of Year 6.
- English - Revise our learning on subordinate and relative clauses by completing one of the tasks below. You can choose depending on what you think you need the most practise on.
- Maths
- PART ONE - Watch the video, which is about multiples, factors and prime numbers. We've covered multiples and factors this week and we'll be looking at prime numbers next week.
- PART TWO - Choose one of the multiple and factors activities to complete. There is an easier task and a trickier task to choose from.
Homework 29.9.23
- Reading - Read every day for the next week (10 minutes minimum)
- Handwriting - Practise your letter formation. Use the document below to help you form each letter correctly.
- English - Revise our learning on the subjunctive mood and modal verbs by completing the activities below.
- Maths
- PART ONE - Watch the video, which will show you different strategies for solving multi-step worded problems that involve addition and subtraction.
- PART TWO - Try out some of the strategies by solving the football-themed addition and subtraction problems below. You don't need to do them all but aim for a minimum of 5. You can choose which ones :)
Homework 22.9.23
- Reading - Read every day for the next week (10 minutes minimum)
- Handwriting - Practise your letter formation using the letters we've looked at in class (A-T)
- English - Revise our learning on the subjunctive mood by completing the activity below.
- Maths
- PART ONE - Watch the video, pausing the video to answer the questions when they're asked. It recaps the learning we've done this week on negative numbers. (Don't worry when it talks about a worksheet, you don't need to do this bit!)
- PART TWO - In our key skill this week, we've looked at area of compound shapes. I'd like you to practise this by finding the area of the shapes on the worksheet (minimum of three) Remember to split the shape into different rectangles and find the area of each rectangle by multiplying the length by the area. Remember to add each area together to find the total area - just like we practised!
Homework 15.9.23
- Reading - Read every day for the next week (10 minutes minimum)
- Handwriting - Practise your letter formation using the letters we've looked at in class (A-P)
- English - Revise our learning on formal and informal language by completing one of the activities below.
- Maths - Watch the videos, pausing the video to answer the questions when they're asked. They recap the learning we've done this week on powers of 10 and placing numbers up to 10,000,000 on a number line.
(don't worry when it talks about a worksheet, you don't need to do this bit!)