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Maths: Watch the video called multiply by 100.  Work alongside the video, when it says complete the worksheet, stop.  Then complete the challenges below. I have uploaded a video of me explaining how to use a place value chart to work out the challenges.  You should have a place value chart at home as I sent this home in November before the bubble closure.


Brain break


English: Meet me at 10 o'clock for our  English lesson. Today we are going to be thinking about showing not telling.  This is a technique author's use to describe how a character feels or looks like etc.  So instead of writing Connor was scared.  You could write:

Connor’s tummy started to churn and he was beginning to break out into a cold sweat.


I have uploaded a powerpoint of part of the Egyptian Cinderella.  I'd like you to read through, paying particular attention to how the author creates a clear picture of Rhodopis' emotions and what she looks like.  Can you write down any sentences that you have found?


Brain Break



Today you are going to be starting our new Science topic.  Sound!


First I'd like you to go to BBC bitesize (linked below!) and watch the video and complete the activity.  Then can you complete this Science experiment.  You should have everything you will need at home!


See the Sound

Sound vibrations travel through air, water, and even solid objects, but it’s not possible to see the waves. What if we could see the waves in another way? This science of sound experiment makes sound more visible by forcing objects to react to the sound vibrations. 

Supplies Needed: 

  • Empty clear mixing bowl
  • Plastic wrap
  • Large rubber band
  • Sugar crystals/salt/rice/lentils

What to Do: 

1. Wrap a sheet of plastic wrap over the mixing bowl so that it’s taut, and secure with the large rubber band. Be sure that the plastic wrap is tight and does not sag. 

2. Place a few of the sugar crystals on the top of the plastic wrap, placing them in the middle of the wrap. 

3. Get close to the sugar crystal and say something loudly! What happens to the crystals? Do they move? 

4. Experiment with louder and softer words or sentences to watch the sugar crystals react to the sound vibrations! 


Record your observations from the experiment.

