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Friday 12/2

Today is Feel Good Friday! 


You have no 'work' set for today, but we do have a couple of tasks for you: 


1. Teams Call- 10.40am- ART


2. Goodbye to Reverend Paul Cudby- 11.15-11.45 Live assembly.


3. Independent Art task tutorialSee link in Teams 'Theme Channel.' Listen to the tutorials from Artbase and have fun having a go.


4. Follow the link belowSome great ideas for you to choose from for your art day.


5. Teams Call - 3.00pm  Lets see your lovely art work!


Other than that, I'd like you to do things that make you happy!


 Look forward to seeing you on the calls!


** If you would like some work- you can complete any outstanding work, complete the homework pages, read you reading book, quiz or practise your spellings.



Love from Miss Wilding wink
