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Please put any work you do in your purple exercise book or take pictures and put them on Tapestry. I can't wait to see what you get up to!


Today I'm not going to ask you to do much as I want to ease you back into your learning from home after the Easter holidays.

Therefore you will have two activities to do today; literacy and maths.

Get ready for more activities tomorrow.



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Click on Phase 2 and 3 to practise all the sounds we've learnt.

I will put the sound lesson on Bug Club for you as an optional activity.

Today's sound is 'w'.

Go and find items in your home beginning with the sound w.

Now find items in your home that have the w sound in the middle or the end of its name.

(e.g. bowl)

Have a go at spelling some of these words, you could write them down or rearrange letters. (Parent tip: It doesn't matter if it's not spelt correctly, as long as it's phonetic. E.g. worter - water)



This week we are going to be doubling.

Double means having two lots of the same number.

Two lots of three.

Two lots of five.


Have two of the same object to clearly show where the two groups are going to be (could be two plates, two hoops, etc).

Put three of the same item (e.g. three sweets) on one plate.

"Now we are going to double it and put the same amount on the other plate. How many do we need to double it?" (3) Put the items on the other plate.

"What is double 3?" Count all the items up together. (6)

Repeat with other numbers up to 10.



Don't for get Mr Nicholls sets activities under the P.E. section on the Class Pages overview.
