Friday 22nd May
Good morning!
Just a reminder that our Microsoft Teams call is at 11am today! Bring a pencil and some paper ready for our food quiz!
Today is the last day of learning before half term so enjoy it and have the most wonderful, relaxing break!
There will be no work set over half term but I would like you to keep reading let's see if we can create some more millionaires over the holiday!
Today, I'd like you to finish off your newspaper articles. Look back at the information you gathered on Tuesday - we're going to do the paragraph on why/how they were rescued as well as the concluding paragraph.
Don't forget to read through your work when you've finished (Reading aloud is really useful for spotting mistakes!)
Check for:
- sense - does it say what you want it to say? Are there words missing? Does it flow? (Is it cohesive?)
- spelling - are there any words you know that you've spelt incorrectly?
- punctuation - especially those commas after fronted adverbials, subordinate clauses and to signify relative clauses. Don't forget associated punctuation with speech marks too (punctuation open, punctuation closed)
- vocabulary - remember that this is supposed to be a formal piece of writing - make sure there are no contractions (couldn't, wasn't it's etc) and that you've used formal language.
Check out the WAGOLL below for inspiration!
As always, I'd love to see your writing when you've finished!
LO: Can I write the body of a newspaper article?
Guided Reading
Today I'd like you to look at a couple of the pages from chapter 4 of "King of the Cloud Forests"
I've uploaded them below.
I want you to pay careful attention to the information about yetis that Uncle Sung gives to Ashley. Think about their size, their appearance and their nature.
I'd then like you to either...
- write a short description of yetis
- draw (and colour) a picture of what you think a yeti looks like and annotate it with details from the text e.g. big feet
LO: Can I retrieve information and make inferences?
It's Flashback Friday! Thank you to those of you that sent me photos of your beautiful posters for fractions, decimals and percentages. We're going to create another poster today on the four operations - addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Remember, this is about reflecting on your learning and remembering and applying important skills.
You need to create a poster that shows all of your knowledge!
Have a look at the document below for more information about what I'd like you to do...
I'd love to see them so please take pictures and send them to me!
And finally, for our last piece of work on mountains (we're moving on to volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis after half term!) I'd like you to have a go at some art!
I came across the picture below of mountains and really loved it:
What I particularly like about it is the use of geometric patterns in the mountains (all of the triangles!)
For theme today, I'd like you to create your own piece of art inspired by this picture! You can just copy it if you'd like, you can use some bits of it and change it, you can paint, you can use colouring pencils... it's up to you!
The one rule is, I'd like there to be some geometric patterns in the mountains. If you want to use triangles, you can, but if you're feeling adventurous, I've put a PowerPoint below with instructions to do a more complex geometric pattern. I've also uploaded a document that has more ideas for different patterns that you could do.
Be creative, you can't do this wrong! Most importantly, have some fun with it!
LO: As an artist, can I use geometric patterns in a mountain landscape?
Also, I've said this a lot today but I would really, really love to see what you create!! Please send me your pics!
Thursday 21st May
Good morning!
I hope that you managed to enjoy the beautiful weather yesterday and maybe even snuck in an ice cream or two!
Thank you for your lovely messages for "Thank a teacher day" I didn't even know that this day existed so it was a really nice surprise to see your messages! It's easy to be a good teacher when I have such a lovely class
Hopefully you managed to get your lead paragraphs completed yesterday. We're going to continue our newspaper articles with the next paragraph today - more detail on what happened. This is the second box on the table that you did on Tuesday so make sure you look back at the work you did to read through the information. You will want to talk more about what happened to the mother and the boy but don't give any detail about the actual rescue yet!
I've written a WAGOLL below that should give you some ideas. As always, feel free to magpie anything you like. Also feel free to make up details about the family like their names and anything you want to quote them as saying for some direct speech!
LO: Can I write the body of a newspaper article?
Guided Reading
Yesterday, you found out the meaning of some of the tricky vocabulary from Chapter 4 of our class text - King of the Cloud Forests. Today, we're going to put that learning to use when we look at the vocabulary in context.
I'd like you to look at the sentence from the chapter and explain what is happening and what the word means in that particular sentence.
On Wednesday, I might have looked up the definition for "ferocious" and found that it means "savagely cruel and violent"
Today, I look at the word ferocious in the sentence it was used in during the chapter: "The wind was ferocious and blew me close to the edge of the mountain"
I then need to explain what this sentence means - The wind is really strong and nearly blew Ashely off the mountain.
Have a look at the task below and it should all become clear...
LO: Can I understand vocabulary in context?
So far, you've learnt about metric units of measure and that:
10mm = 1cm
100cm = 1m
1000m = 1km
1000g = 1kg
1000ml = 1l
100cl = 1 l
You've also learnt how to convert some imperial units of measure into metric units of measure.
You know...
2.5cm is about 1 inch
1 kilogram (kg) is about 2 pounds (lbs)
We're spending one more day on imperial measurements today!
You need to know that:
568 millilitres (ml) is about 1 pint
With this in mind, check out the chillies below...
LO: Can I convert between ml and pints?
We're continuing with our work on Gospel for RE this week. So far, we've looked at how Christians believe Jesus' teachings act as a foundation for living and provide guidance for Christians about how they should live their lives.
This week, we're going to think about how Christians might put this idea into practise in their lives - what might they actually do when faced with problems or negative things in the world?
LO: As a theologist, can I explore how Christians follow the teachings of Jesus?
For science this week, we're continuing with our work on forces.
We've looked at gravity, air resistance and water resistance and this week, we're going to think about friction.
The first thing I'd like you to do is have a look at this webpage - watch the video, read the information and answer the quiz online!
Now I'd like you to have a look at the PowerPoint below about friction.
When you have finished, you can either:
- create a poster, leaflet or PowerPoint about friction
- design an experiment that you could do to explore friction (you don't have to carry it out unless you'd like to, you're thinking about an experiment you could do!)
LO: As a scientist, can I explore and understand friction?
Wednesday 20th May
Good morning Year 5
Don't forget our Microsoft Teams meeting is on Friday at 11am!
I hope that you've been enjoying the sunshine as well as your work over the last couple of days. It's going to be beautiful today so make sure you get some time outside too! (but don't forget your sun cream!)
Yesterday, you collected all of the information about the news story that we're going to write over the next few days.
Today we're going to have a go at writing just the lead paragraph.
This needs to include:
- who - 10 year old boy and his mother
- what - he rescued his mother after she fell while climbing a mountain
- where - in Scotland
- when - Monday 21st October
- why - they were on a family outing
Your lead paragraph might only be a couple of sentences but they still need to include year 5 grammar!
Check out the success criteria and WAGOLL below for more information and hopefully a bit of inspiration!
LO: Can I write a lead paragraph?
Guided Reading
We're continuing with our class book "King of the Cloud Forests" by Michael Morpurgo and today, I've recorded myself reading chapter 4.
I'd like you to have a look at your task below though before you listen to me read it!
For your task, there are 10 words that I'd like you to find out the meanings of. This will help you to understand the story better when you listen to it.
LO: Can I find out the meaning of new vocabulary?
I love learning new words! Expanding my vocabulary always makes me feel fancy! See how many of these words you can use in conversation today to amaze and confuse your parents!
So far, you've learnt about metric units of measure and that:
10mm = 1cm
100cm = 1m
1000m = 1km
1000g = 1kg
1000ml = 1l
100cl = 1 l
You've also learnt how to convert some imperial units of measure into metric units of measure.
Yesterday you learnt that:
2.5cm is about 1 inch
We're continuing our work on imperial measurements today!
You need to know that:
1 kilogram (kg) is approximately 2 pounds (lbs)
With this in mind, check out the chillies below...
LO: Can I convert between kg and lbs?
Can you remember the 5 types of mountains that we've learnt about?
Test yourself...
What can you remember about them?
Now that we've learnt about the different types of mountains, we're going to think about what the climate is like on mountains.
The first thing I'd like you to do is read through the information on the webpage below:
Then I'd like you to have a look at the PowerPoint below.
Where you see a word underlined and in a different colour, you can click it to watch a video!
Now that you've had a think about the climate of Mount Everest, I'd like you to choose one of the tasks below.
You can print off the sheets if you like and write on them but you don't have to. You can just write the questions into your book and answer them underneath - no problem!
LO: As a geographer, can I understand mountain climates?
Tuesday 19th May
iHola a todos!
A bit of information for you this morning:
1. We have our next Microsoft Teams meeting this week on Friday (22nd May) at 11am. Bring a piece of paper and a pen again ready for our quiz. I've decided to do it on food because it complements our Spanish work at the moment but I'll do another one on Space after half term!
2. Don't forget to try out the School Games Virtual Challenge! It's your chance to represent Tanworth and win us and yourself some prizes! This week, it's linked to cricket. Check out Mr Nicholls' page for more information:
We're going to have a go at writing a newspaper article this week (bit by bit so don't panic!)
Today, I'd like to introduce what we're writing the article on!
It's based on an event that happened last year in Scotland - a 10 year old boy saved his mother after she fell while they were climbing a mountain!
Today is just going to be gathering all of the information and facts before we write our article.
I'd like you to read the 4 articles below. They are quite similar but some of them contain more detail than others.
Then I'd like you to use the information in these articles to BULLET POINT information in each of the boxes in the table below!
If you don't have a printer, just write the yellow highlighted bit into your book as a title and do your bullet points underneath there.
LO: Can I carry our research for a newspaper article?
Yesterday, you focused on understanding what each of our spelling words meant.
Today, I'd like you to practise each word using one of the following techniques in your book:
- rainbow writing
- pyramids
- squiggle spellings
- look, cover, write, check
- using each word in a silly sentence
Then I'd like you to do some handwriting with your spellings - one line of each word in your neatest cursive handwriting in your books please.
Your spellings words are below:
In maths, we've looked at metric measures and how we convert these...
g into kg
mm into cm
cm into m
m into km
Today, we're looking at imperial measurements and thinking about how we convert inches into cm.
Watch the video below first:
The main thing you need to know today is:
1 inch is about 2.5cm
You're going to use this fact to help you convert inches into cm and back again. The pictures below might help too:
Choose one of the chillies below and have a go!
LO: Can I convert inches and cm?
We're still thinking about food this week and we're moving on to thinking about saying what we like and dislike.
You will need to use the following:
Me gusta (may gust-ta) = I like
Me encanta (may en-can-ta) = I love
No me gusta (no may gust-ta) = I don't like
If the food is a plural or more than one, like grapes, sausages or beans for example, you will need to add an n:
Me gustan (may gust-tan) = I like
Me encantan (may en-can-tan) = I love
No me gustan (no may gust-tan) = I don't like
Look at the PowerPoint below to see if you can work out what the sentences mean!
There's an introduction activity to warm your brains up and a choice of an easier or trickier task depending on how you get on. There is also an optional extension of a crossword and wordsearch if you fancy them!
Monday 18th May
Good morning lovelies!
I hope that you had a great weekend and that you rested, chilled out and had some fun!
Your work for today is below - remember, only do what you can. Please don't worry if you can't get everything done every day. Also remember that if something is tricky, it's a good thing because it means you're learning! All you can do is try your best and your best is more than good enough
We're continuing to think about newspapers this week. Today I want you to focus specifically on the lead paragraph. This was one of the features of a newspaper that we looked at last week. The lead paragraph is the first paragraph in a newspaper article that tells the reader very briefly what, where, when, who, why/how (the five Ws!) The rest of the article (the body) then goes into more detail about each of these things.
Today I'd like you to look at the example lead paragraphs below. Then I'd like you to complete the table (or work in your book if you don't have a printer) to identify who each article is about, what it is about, when it happened, where it happened and why/how it happened. (The five Ws!)
LO: Can I identify the 5Ws in a lead paragraph?
Back to spelling this week! We're still thinking about suffixes (things that you add to the end of a word to change its meaning! e.g. ly to make quick into quickly or ise to make visual into visualise)
Look at the PowerPoint below to introduce your spellings.
Then, using the A4 poster with your spellings on, see if you can complete the task and match the meaning to the correct spelling word.
You can work on the sheet or in your book - either is great!
We're still thinking about measures this week!
Last week, you learnt:
10 millimetres (mm) = 1centimetre (cm)
100cm = 1metre (m)
1000m = 1kilometre (km)
1000 grams (g) = 1kilogram (kg)
centi = 100
kilo = 1000
Today, we're thinking about capacity and millilitres (ml), litres (l) and centilitres (cl)
100cl = 1l
1000ml = 1l
Look at the PowerPoint introduction below and then have a go at one of the chillies below based on how confident you feel after...
(Chilli 3 is tricky today so you might want to try chilli 2 first to warm up your brains before you go into chilli 3!)
LO: Can I convert between units of capacity?
Last week, you looked at the layers of the Earth and more closely at the tectonic plates on the crust.
Today, you're going to look at how this links to mountains!
We're going to be thinking about the five main types of mountains and how they are formed.
First, you need to look at the PowerPoint and the websites below:
Now I'd like you to present your learning!
You need to present your learning on these five types of mountain:
Fold mountains
Fault-block mountains
Volcanic mountains
Plateau mountains
Dome mountains
For each mountain type, you need to explain how it is created, draw a diagram and give an example of a mountain range that is this type.
You can choose how you present it. You might want to create a poster, a fact file or a leaflet. You could paperclip them into your book or stick an envelope into your book and put your work in the envelope!
I've put a template for a leaflet below that you're welcome to print off and use but you don't have to! You could design your own instead or present it in a different way. Be creative and enjoy!
LO: As a geographer, can I identify and describe different types of mountains?
PS. I would LOVE to see these so please email photos of them to me via the office or upload photos to the blog!