Friday 12th February -
Feel Good Friday - Art Day
Key times:
9:40am - Live Teams Meeting (Poetry performances)
11:00am - Goodbye Service with Paul Cudby
2:15pm - Live Teams Meeting
Today is our feel good Friday Art Day. It is also the day we are saying goodbye to Paul, our vicar.
There are different art projects for you to have a go at on our Teams page. You don't have to do all of them. You can just pick the ones that you are interested in and have a go at those.
I've also put a link onto the Teams page for resources and ideas that Miss Smith has put up for the day too. If you want to do one or more of those, then that's fine too.
Have some fun producing you art today and focus on creating something that you feel proud of which you can share with me on Teams. Keep hold of your art work and we will make a display of it in school when we are all back together again.