Happy World Book Day!
2 more school days to go
9:30 - Teams Meeting - Join me with you potato/stone character and to find out about our whole school book called Hermelin, the detective mouse.
11:00 - Whole School Assembly to see who the winner and runner up is for each year group for the potato/stone competition. Available on the Tanworth in Arden School Assemblies team on Microsoft Teams.
1:45/2:00 - Teams Meeting - Join me for a World Book Day Character Quiz!
World Book Day Activities...
Listen to the story of Hermelin from our guest reader... Mrs Hoskins.
The video will be available to view on Microsoft Teams.
Go to either Year 1 Phonics, Group 1 or Group 2.
Click on General.
Click 'files'.
Click 'Class Materials'.
The video is called Hermelin.
The following activities are for you to choose from.
Play I Spy
Write a list of all the things you can see on the front cover of Hermelin.
Create an advert to promote Crunchy Flakes or Bosher's Sausage Shop.
Create a new note to add to the Offley Street Notice Board.
Pretend you are a news reporter talking about the dramatic rescue of Baby McMumbo.
Hermelin looks for the definition of ‘mouse’ in the dictionary. Could you use a dictionary to find the meanings of unfamiliar words? Could you write your own dictionary definitions for different words?
Hermelin has some binoculars, if you have some binoculars at home have a go at using them.
At the end of the story, Hermelin and Emily work together to solve crimes. Can you think of ways that animals help humans to achieve different tasks?
Design and build some paper aeroplanes that Hermelin could use to send a message quickly. Could you have a competition to see which paper aeroplane will fly the furthest?
Tomorrow is Screen Free Friday...
Below are some ideas for you to complete on Friday.
I have put them on today so that you don't have to look tomorrow.
Because it is screen free Friday, there will also be no teams meetings.
I am so excited to see you on Monday! Have a lovely weekend