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Monday 27th



We have are coming to the end of our work on fractions this week. Today we are learning how to add fractions.

To do this we add the numerators (the number on the top), but not the denominators (the number on the bottom). Read through these explanations and answers first.

Now have a go at solving these questions where you need to add fractions:
If you fancy a bit of a challenge, why not take a test and see how many you can get right in the time. Do it again and see if you can beat your last score. Just follow this link!

Spellings/ Handwriting


I have attached a handwriting sheet for each group with this week's spellings on. You can either print out the sheet and write on it, or you can simply copy the words out to complete a line of each in your book. 


While you are writing them, can you see what pattern you are focusing on this week?


Today we are going to start our book, 'The Scarab's Secret', which is written by Nick Would and wonderfully illustrated by Christina Balit.


We looked at the front cover on Friday and you wrote a description of the illustration on the front.



I know some of you picked up on what was going on in the background such as the trees and the river, but how many of you saw the beetle in the hand of the pharaoh? Well as Scarab is a special type of beetle that was very important to the Ancient Egyptians and this story is told from the point of view of this beetle. 


Please read the first pages of the story and study the illustrations. (if the writing is too small at first, just zoom in on the pdf)

Now I'd like you to use what you've learnt from reading the text and the studying of the illustrations, to come up with a prediction of why the Pharaoh or Prince honoured the beetle. I want you to use your imagination, so don't worry about there being a wrong answer!


Did they meet again? What happened? Why did the Pharaoh/ Prince want to honour Khepri?


Hola Year 3! This week we are learning all about our family and how we name them.


First of all, please follow the slides which tell you what each of the family members are called and how to pronounce them.

Notice how the males end in an 'o' and the females end in an 'a'.


Have a go at drawing and labeling some members of your family.

If you want to try something a little harder, then watch the next few slides about saying how many of each you have, then try and match the description to the pictures. You will need to know that  'Vivo con' means 'I live with'. 