Homework pages for this week:
Commas within sentences - p32
Year 5 Targeted Question Book - Solving calculation problems - p26
Year 5 10-minute tests - Spring Term Workout 8
Accelerated Reader Link
Use the link below to quiz - word counts will be updated when we're back at school!
Thursday 4th March
The text that we're looking at today is:
Listen to the book being read by going to the YouTube link on the document below.
If you want a closer look at the illustrations, check out the pdf of the book on Teams.
Once you've listened to and read the story, have a look at the menu of tasks and choose something that takes your fancy! If you have been inspired in a different way and have your own idea, then go for it! I just want you to enjoy the text and enjoy your learning :)
See you on Teams at 10.20am - don't forget to bring your book character with you.
Miss Cutler
Wednesday 3rd March
1. English - LO: Can I write descriptive sentences?
2. Teams call - Maths - 10.20am - 10.40am
3. Maths task - LO: Can I divide by 10, 100 and 1000? Due in by 2.15pm please
4. Theme - As a linguist, can I recall the names of colours in Spanish?
5. Teams call - Maths feedback - 2.45pm - 3.00pm
Don't forget that you can also:
- complete a spelling activity
- complete the above activities from your homework books
- do some personal reading and then quiz
- listen to the weekly music
- have a go at the weekly art task
- complete the daily PE activity and log your activities for the Get Set to Tokyo challenge!
Remember I'm available if you have any questions or need any help!
Last week of home learning! Last Wednesday of working separately! I get to see you all in 5 days!
Miss Cutler
Tuesday 2nd March
1. English - LO: Can I describe using my senses?
2. Teams call - Maths - 10.20am - 10.40am
3. Maths task - LO: Can I multiply decimals by 10, 100 and 1000? Due in by 2.15pm please
4. Theme - As a geographer, can I research famous volcanoes?
5. Teams call - Maths feedback - 2.45pm - 3.00pm
Don't forget that you can also:
- complete a spelling activity
- complete the above activities from your homework books
- do some personal reading and then quiz
- listen to the weekly music
- have a go at the weekly art task
- complete the daily PE activity and log your activities for the Get Set to Tokyo challenge!
Remember I'm available if you have any questions or need any help!
Last week of home learning! Last Tuesday of working separately! This time next week, we'll be back together again!
Miss Cutler
Monday 1st March
1. Maths - LO: Can I continue decimal sequences?
2. Teams call - English - 10.20am - 10.40am
3. English task - LO: Can I use commas correctly? Due in by 2.15pm please
4. Theme - PSHE - Can I understand the effects of alcohol on the body?
5. Teams call - English feedback - 2.45pm - 3.00pm
Don't forget that you can also:
- complete a spelling activity
- complete the above activities from your homework books
- do some personal reading and then quiz
- listen to the weekly music
- have a go at the weekly art task
- complete the daily PE activity and log your activities for the Get Set to Tokyo challenge!
Remember I'm available if you have any questions or need any help!
Last week of home learning! Last Monday of working separately! This time next week, we'll be back together again!
Miss Cutler