Homework 29.11.24
- Reading - Read every day for the next week (10 minutes minimum)
- English – LBQ = Practise using a apostrophes for possession
- Maths – LBQ = At least 10 questions on each of the following:
1. Multiply proper fractions, giving the answer in the simplest form
2. Divide proper fractions by whole numbers
- TTRS – Garage = 15 minutes
LBQ code: wd 27 dd nw
(remember to go to independent study!)
Homework 22.11.24
- Reading - Read every day for the next week (10 minutes minimum)
- English – LBQ = Grammar Topic Review: Main, subordinate and relative clauses
- Maths – LBQ = Choose one of the following 3 tasks
(Or do 10 questions from each!)
1. Practise finding equivalent fractions
2. Practise simplifying proper fractions
3. Compare and order fractions with different denominators
- TTRS – Garage = 15 minutes
LBQ code: wd 27 dd nw
(remember to go to independent study!)
Homework 15.11.24
- Reading - Read every day for the next week (10 minutes minimum)
- English – LBQ = parenthesis – brackets, dashes and commas
- Maths – LBQ = order of operations - BODMAS
LBQ code: wd 27 dd nw
(remember to go to independent study!)
Homework 11.10.24
- Reading - Read every day for the next week (10 minutes minimum)
- English – LBQ = main and subordinate clauses
- Maths – LBQ = Choose between long multiplication and problem solving with factors, multiples, squares and primes
LBQ code: wd 27 dd nw
(remember to go to independent study!)
Homework 4.10.24
- Reading - Read every day for the next week (10 minutes minimum)
- English – LBQ = Reading comprehensions x 2
(From a trickle to a flood/Climate change)
- Maths – LBQ = Addition and Subtraction review and TT Rockstars
LBQ code: wd 27 dd nw
(remember to go to independent study!)
Homework 27.9.24
- Reading - Read every day for the next week (10 minutes minimum)
- English – LBQ = understand modal verbs
- Maths – LBQ = rounding to 10,000,000
LBQ code: wd 27 dd nw
(remember to go to independent study!)
Homework 20.9.24
- Reading - Read every day for the next week (10 minutes minimum)
- English – LBQ = understand modal verbs
- Maths – LBQ = interpret negative numbers
LBQ code: wd 27 dd nw
(remember to go to independent study!)
Homework 13.9.24
- Reading - Read every day for the next week (10 minutes minimum)
- English – LBQ = apostrophes for contraction, singular and plural possession
- Maths – LBQ = read, write, compare and order numbers to 10,000,000
LBQ code: wd 27 dd nw
(remember to go to independent study!)