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Week 2 - W/C: 30.03.20

Friday 3rd April


Shakespeare week

Today, I'd like you to turn the story of Romeo and Juliet into a comic strip or a puppet show!

Below are some puppets that you might like to print off and use or if you'd prefer, you could design your own!

There is also a blank comic strip template if you want to design a comic strip instead and a comic strip with words if you'd rather just focus on illustrating your comic rather than writing it. If you don't have a printer, you could do your comic strip straight into your book or on a piece of paper.

You don't need to do the whole play, you could just do a section of it - it's completely up to you!

If you get a chance, send me some pictures of what you get up to! 



One more lesson on word classes before we break up for Easter! In the document below, there are 2 short passages of text. You need to identify a noun, adjective, verb etc in each passage.


I hope you got on well yesterday and have a better understanding of what percentages are.

Remember per cent means "out of 100"

We're now going to look at equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages!


So 59% (59 per cent) is 59 out of 100 so as a fraction, it would be 59/100 and we know from our previous work this week, that equals 0.59

8% (8 per cent) is 8 out of 100 so as fraction, it would be 8/100 and we know that is the same as 0.08.


Your work today is a jigsaw puzzle! You need to match the pieces up so the equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages are placed next to each other. If you don't have a printer, I've put separate instructions for you to explain what I'd like you to do instead.



Before you begin your Easter holiday, I'd like you to do a little RE work on the meaning of Easter and the reasons why it is such an important celebration for Christians.

Below are 2 activity packs. They include video and QR codes (you need to ask an adult to help you with their phone to use them) and then some questions based on the videos. You can either print the packs off and work on the sheet or you can answer the questions in your book.

There is an easier version and a trickier version so check out both and see what you fancy doing!


The second JIGSAW video story is now available for you to watch. There are also some activities to complete and a calm me activity to get yourself in the zone! I don't mind if you don't record anything in your book for this as the thinking and reflection is the most important thing so just sit back, relax and enjoy!



Thursday 2nd April


Shakespeare week

Today we're going to look at one of Shakespeare's most famous plays - Romeo and Juliet.

The actual play is quite long so I've uploaded a shorter, story version for you below.

Read through the story then there are some sentences to read. You need to work out if the sentence is true or false based on what you've read. If you don't have a printer, just write the sentences into your book and then write true or false at the end.

For an extension, there are also some jumbled up words (linked to the story) to unscramble afterwards if you'd like to have a go.


We're continuing to think about word classes this week - nouns, proper nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs and conjunctions. I'm hoping that by now you know what each of those are!

Today, you need to decide which word class each word belongs to. 

If you don't have a printer or prefer not to print the task out, just write the words straight into your book. 


Today, we're thinking about percentages! Per cent or % is a term that I'm sure you've all heard before but I want us to focus on what it actually means. When we understand this, we can look at equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages tomorrow. 


Have a look at the PowerPoint intro and then choose a chilli. I've put instructions on each chilli about how to complete the activity. Don't worry - this will be a breeze! smiley


Now out next topic will involve quite a lot of geography… you'll find out why after Easter! 

So before we get started on it, I want us to brush up on our geography skills and knowledge.

I've uploaded 4 different geography tasks below.

Each task has an objective and then a challenge if you'd like to dive deeper into your learning. How many tasks and how much you choose to do is up to you. 


There is however, a fantastic geography website that I suggest you all check out:


Login in details:

Username: homeschool

Password: oddizzi



Guided Reading

There is no work to do for guided reading but I have recorded myself reading the next chapter of Percy Jackson for my guided reading group! I know how much you were all enjoying it and so it seems like a shame not to continue with it... It's an exciting chapter so I hope you enjoy! Let me know any comments, predictions or theories that you have on the blog! 

Percy Jackson - Chapter 13 - part 1.mp3

Percy Jackson - chapter 13 - part 2.mp3

Percy Jackson - chapter 13 - part 3.mp3

Wednesday 1st April


Shakespeare week

Today you have a choice of activities - a bit of English and a comprehension or a bit of Art and a drawing - or you can do both tasks if you'd like to. 


The first is a comprehension about Shakespeare. Read the text, copy the questions into your book and then answer the questions below (or you can work on the sheet if you'd prefer)

Or if you're feeling artistic this morning, I'd like you to do a portrait of William Shakespeare!

There have been many different portraits of Shakespeare over the years. I've put three of the more famous examples below.

I'd like you to find a portrait of William Shakespeare that you like (use Google images) and then attempt to recreate it. You can sketch or paint or collage, whatever you prefer! 

I've uploaded a PowerPoint that teaches you how to draw a portrait, thinking about proportion. This should help you to get the initial features correct.

I'd love to see your finished pieces so please upload them to the blog if you have a chance!


If you have a printer, you can print out and complete the word search below that contains your spelling words.

If you don't have a printer, then make your own word search containing your spelling words. Draw a grid and put your spellings in forwards, backwards and horizontally. Then fill the rest of the grid with random letters. 


I'd also like you to do some handwriting practise with your spelling words. Again, you can print out the sheet if you have a printer and do your handwriting on there. Otherwise, do a line of each spelling word in your neatest cursive handwriting in your book. 


We're continuing our work on decimals today. So far, you've thought about the place value of decimal numbers, turning decimals into equivalent fractions and rounding decimals. We're now going to think about comparing and ordering decimal numbers.

Have a look at the PowerPoint introduction below or if you're having trouble getting it to work, then I've also uploaded a PDF.

Then choose a chilli below. There are also optional extension tasks if you'd like to try them.


Now that we've learnt about the parts of the body in Spanish and the names of different animals in Spanish, we're going to combine the two!


I'd like you to design your own animal - it might have the head of a crocodile, the neck of a giraffe, the body of a penguin and the arms of a tiger. Use you imagination - go wild! You could either draw your animal into your book or print off pictures of animals and then cut them up to create your new creature.


After you've done this, you'll need to describe your animal. 

You will need to say:


Mi animal tiene (EL/LA _______) de (UN/UNA _________).

My animal has (the body part) of (the animal). 


E.g. Mi animal tiene la cabeza de un cocodrilo. My animal has the head of a crocodile.

       Mi animal tiene el cuello de una jirafa. My animal has the neck of a giraffe.

       Mi animal tiene el estomago de un pinguino. My animal has the stomach of a penguin. 

Tuesday 31st March


Shakespeare week

Hopefully yesterday you read some information about Shakespeare and made some notes on his life and career. Today, I would like you to present this information as one of the following:

- a leaflet

- a fact file

- an information text

- a poster

- a PowerPoint 

It is up to you whether you use the computer or do it by hand. If you'd like to do your leaflet, poster or fact file on a plain piece of paper and then stick it into your book, you're more than welcome. 

I'd love to see some examples of your work so please do ask adults to help you take photographs for the blog :)



Once you've done that, if you still want more Shakespeare, I have a quiz and a crossword for you to complete below. All of your new learning should support you with this!


Please see the A4 poster below to remind you what your spellings are this week. 

I would like you to practise these spellings using one of the following techniques:

- rainbow writing (where you do each syllable in the word in a different colour)

- pyramids (for an excellent example of this, look at Lily's work on the blog "Friday 27th March"

- squiggle spellings (where you draw a big squiggle on your page and the write each word over and over again inside one of the loops)


There is also a look, cover, write, check for you to complete. You can do this by printing off the page and writing on it as we normally would or by reading the word off the computer and then writing the word, without looking, into your book.


Today we're thinking about rounding decimals to the nearest whole number and to one decimal place.

Remember, when we round "If it's 1,2,3 or 4, round down to the floor. If its 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, rounding up will be fine!"

To help you with this, I've recorded some videos of me teaching! Hopefully, they will remind you of the method we use when we round and remind you what my voice sounds like, just incase you'd forgotten cheeky

Maths video 1.mp4

Still image for this video

Maths video 2.mp4

Still image for this video

Maths video 3.mp4

Still image for this video


We're going to do a bit of a Spanish project over the next 2 days.

Today, we're going to revise and remember our work on animals in Spanish.

Then tomorrow, you're going to use this learning combined with your learning last week on parts of the body to design your own animal! (More on that tomorrow!)


Today, I've uploaded a set of photographs of different animals and a set of names of these animals in Spanish.


It is up to you what you do with these... You could:

- print off the photos and the names and match them up in your book

- print off the photos and stick them in your book then find out and write the names of each animal in Spanish underneath.

- print out the names of the animals, translate the ones you know and then research the ones you don't know. 


OR, if you don't have a printer or you don't want to print anything out, you might:

- open the photos document on the computer and then draw each animal into your book before writing the names of the animal in Spanish next to it

- open the animal names document and write each name into your book. Then research the meaning of each name and translate the Spanish into English.


I really don't mind how you decide to work as long as you know what each animal is called in Spanish!

Remember, I'd love to see what you get up to so please snap some pictures and upload them onto the blog if you or your parents get a chance.


If you're struggling, these translation websites are good:

Monday 30th March


A note from me...

Good morning and welcome to week 2 of working from home!

Over the week, I will put up lots of different pieces of work just like I did last week.

I do this so that you have a little taste of everything. Some of you will work quite quickly and get through everything that I set and some of you will work more slowly and won't get through everything. This is ok! I'm not expecting every single piece of work done completely and perfectly. Just do what you can, when you can and please don't worry. I want you to be learning but I also want you to be laughing and playing and relaxing! I'd also love to see examples of your work so please do upload them onto the blog! It makes me smile and brightens up my day!


Anyway, this week would have been Shakespeare week at school so I'll be setting you bits and piece linked to this so that you still get to join in the fun from home.


Shakespeare week

The first thing I'd like you to do is do some research about who Shakespeare was, what his life was like and what he did. Today, I just want you to do some research and make some notes and then tomorrow I will ask you to organise your information to create a fact file, poster or leaflet all about Shakespeare.

I've attached some documents below that give information but there are also lots of websites that you could use like:




We're continuing to think about homophones this week.

There is a PowerPoint introduction below that will explain what the new ones are this week. I've also put it in a pdf format in case the PowerPoint won't work.


Today, I want to concentrate on what the words mean so I'd like you to match the word to the meaning. (On the word document below) You could either print out the word document and cut and stick the word and the meaning or you could just write them into your book if you don't have a printer.


We are continuing with our work on thousandths. If you didn't get a chance to have a go at last Friday's maths then you might want to do that first as it will help with today's lesson!

We're going to turn decimal numbers with thousandths into equivalent fractions.


0.6 = 6/10

0.62 = 62/100

0.623 = 623/1000


If you choose chilli 1 or 2, there is an introductory PowerPoint that will help get your brain going before you start on the task. 


Over the last term, we've been learning about materials in science. We have looked at the three states of matter - solids, liquids and gases and how these can change through processes such as evaporation (where a liquid changes into a gas) and condensation (where a gas turns into a liquid)

These changes are reversible because the liquid can turn into a gas and the gas can change back into a liquid.


However, not all changes are reversible. Some are irreversible so once the material has changed, it can never be changed back to what it was. This is what we're thinking about today! 


Look at the PowerPoint below and then complete the task. There is also an optional spicy extension if you feel like really challenging yourself!


If you don't have a printer, remember you can just draw and write the task in your book. Please don't worry about setting it out in a specific way. Just do what you can smiley

