Hi Year 5!
Welcome back to another week. This week is a bit different because it's Sports Week!
Mr Nicholls has given each year group a sport to look at over the course of the week. For Year 5, this is rugby!
I've set you lots of activities over the week based around this theme - hopefully you'll enjoy this slice of something new, learn a lot and have some fun! Please send your work in via the blog or email because we're hoping to make a whole school display to showcase and celebrate what we've done for Sports Week!
Don't forget that there will be two PE activities for you to do every day over on the PE page. You should do these activities each day and send your score to school. Parents were emailed a letter with the links to the forms but you can also find these links on the list of work for the day. Mr Nicholls is keeping track of how everyone is getting on and will be awarding each house points based on this. He will reveal the winning house at the end of the week... Who will it be? Magdalene? Arden? Umberslade? Tanworth? It's up to you!
If you haven't seen it already, the teachers have filmed a new "Open the Book" assembly for you. Check it out on:
Finally, parents have had emails about class photos! These will be done a little differently this year. If you'd like to be part of our class photo, parents will need to email school a photograph of you. See the letter for more details!
Have a wonderful week. Remember, I'm here if you need me - only a blog message or email away!
Can't wait to see you soon,
Love, Miss Cutler