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We set homework to give children the chance to practice the skills they learn in class to help them consolidate and embed learning. Nothing new is taught but it helps the children to have extra exposure and practise the concepts we've covered. Children (or parents) may mark homework themselves to self-assess their understanding and enable them to have a discussion with me in school if they have found something difficult. Homework is for the children. It's about developing ownership of their learning and an understanding that if they want to succeed, they need to put the work in! 


This makes it more flexible for you so children are unable to do homework due to a particularly busy week, they can catch up the following week as books will not need to be handed in or checked at school weekly. 


This way of doing homework is being trialled this academic year and we always welcome your feedback.


LBQ Homework


When homework is set on LBQ, please follow the instructions below:


Follow this link to complete -


Login code - th hw fz 5x





Maths and spelling homework has been set on LBQ this week


Art - Can you create a landscape piece of your local area similar to what we have done at school? Think about perspective and shading when you create this!





English - we have now finished our spelling learning and are recapping the Year 3 and 4 common exception words. The children will need to know how to spell these moving into Year 5. They are attached below. Please practice these however is best. There are spelling sheets to download on the spelling page too!


Maths - LBQ task on quadrilaterals


Theme - Home learning is Monday morning so it may be a nice weekend task to have a go at a task from the sheet or make up your own! smiley



As it was assessment week this week, we haven’t covered any new curriculum areas. I have set a money recap on LBQ for maths and a spelling recap on LBQ for English.


Please see the above LBQ logins to complete these. Thank you!



English - we have looked this week at the rule 'new line new speaker'. Copy out the passage below using this rule.


Maths - LBQ on triangles


Spanish - what is in your pencil case? You can use google translate to help! Remember the sentence stem: En mi estuche tengo...





English - direct speech punctuation worksheet or LBQ - choose a sheet to complete from the pack attached


Maths - analogue to digital conversion LBQ task



With our times table check coming up next week, this week's homework focus will be times tables again.


Check LBQ for homework tasks 1 and 2 - these are based around times table recall and the MTC


Practise using last homework's ideas and activities.


Plenty of times table rockstars and online MTC work where possible too!





Homework for the half term is lots of times table practise!


This could be on times table rockstars, painting, colouring, chalks outside, testing family members, whiteboard practise, bingo, creating a board game and much more!


I have also uploaded some activities if you run out of ideas.


You could also use this time to work on any home learning activities.


Have a lovely half term! smiley




Spellings we found tricky - transmission / discussion / admission / possession


Times table = your choice! Lots of TTRockstars too please smiley


Maths and English = LBQ independent study





Times tables - 9 x table in books and TTRockstars practise


Maths - Partition these decimals into ones, tenths and hundredths: 2.34 // 3.68 // 8.09 // 5.79 // 6.9 // 7.01


English - LBQ learning on pronouns


Theme - can you create a sketch map of your local area using the skills we learnt this week?



Times tables - 6 x table and TTRockstars battle against Year 3!


Maths - dividing by 100 on LBQ


English - apostrophes for possession worksheets below


Theme - login to turtle playground academy (like we did in computing) and try to program your family's initials! Link



Times table = 8 x table and lots of practise on TTRockstars please


Maths = dividing 1 and 2-digit numbers by 10 on LBQ


English = fronted adverbials. Follow the link, watch the video and complete the activities -


I have sent home a letter about the MTC today. On here, there are ways to support your child at home with their times tables. As the check is now quite soon, I am happy for this to be a primary focus for their homework smiley Please also see this link for further information from the government: MTC information link



Times tables - 7 x table in books and lots of TTRockstars practise please! If you have lost the book please write them out 4 times.


Maths - tenths worksheet page 1 - complete the other pages if you want an extra challenge and have the time!


English - commas for fronted adverbials - please complete the LBQ task (login details above on this page)


Tricky spellings this week = potatoes, heroes, woman and women





Times tables - 4x table in books and complete TTRockstars


Maths - subtracting fractions with the same denominator 


English - coordinating conjunctions - LBQ task see above for LBQ login





Easter homework - I don't usually set homework over the holidays but some children and parents wanted bits to do so feel free to complete as much or little as you would like or create your own learning smiley


English - can you write a diary entry in about a day in your Easter holidays? Try to remember all of the features we looked at such as chronological order, past tense and first person! Give yourself an extra grammar challenge to include fronted adverbials, subordinate clauses and expanded noun phrases.


Maths - LBQ task on adding fractions


Creative tasks - can you draw some Easter pictures, write an Easter poem or devise an Easter egg hunt map for your house?



English - Inverted commas on LBQ


Maths - Mixed numbers and improper fractions on LBQ


Multiplication - 6 times table in books and TTRockstars


Remember - home learning is due soon so they can also be doing that this weekend if you would like to



As we did not have usual lessons during assessment week, I have set recap work either taught this year or in previous years.


Maths - TTRockstars and Hit the button practice


English - LBQ Grammar Quiz on Year 3 and Year 4 grammar


Theme - Explore the facts about Ancient Egyptian Gods and try the quiz!


If the link does not work please copy it into your browser instead^


Remember, you can also be completing home learning as it is due soon.



Multiplication book = 8 x table


Tricky multiplications = 6x6 6x7 6x8 7x7 7x8 8x8


Maths = Partitioning mixed numbers (page 1)


English LBQ = verbs in the past tense and adding the -ed suffix


LBQ code = th hw fz 5x 

Link =

Perimeter and length working wall help



Multiplication books - 7 x table


Maths - Learning by Questions (LBQ) 


Please follow this link and complete the questions on perimeter of rectilinear shapes


Access code: th hw fz 5x


Children should know their passwords as they use them in school.


English - coordinating conjunctions


Please see the worksheet attached


Remember there is also Times Table Rockstars to play! smiley



There is no homework set for half term except home learning projects and times table practice.


The children were all given log ins to times table rockstars to write down. The link for this can be found on the class page.


Any children who missed this week's learning will benefit from watching the links below.


Have a lovely half term! smiley





Multiplication books - children's choice! Choose a x table you need to work on out of the 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 12 x table. (Due Friday)


Maths - converting km and m


English - present perfect (past tense)





Multiplication and division working wall for homework help




Multiplication books = 8 x table (Due - 02/02/24)


English - subordinate clauses (support:


Maths - formal multiplication (support:


Theme - read through the information on hieroglyphics and children can complete the activities if they would like to

Homework 18/01/23


Times table book - 12x table --> I had previously written 4x table here as an error - apologies! Children can complete either the 4 or 12 x table this week. 


English - Fronted adverbials worksheet


Maths - Related facts worksheet (support found here





Homework 12/01/24


Your child will have come home with the class newsletter, home learning and curriculum overview pages today. Please check these for dates and important information. They will also be uploaded to the relevant places on the class page.


Multiplication books - 9x table (recap as gaps spotted in last homework)


English - Imperative verbs (help found here


Maths - Factors (help found here

Homework 15/12/23


Multiplication books = 9xtable


English - nouns or action verbs (help found here: and


Maths - multiplying 3 numbers (help found here:






Homework 08/12/23


Times table books = 8x table

English - grammar quiz/knowledge check 

Maths - dividing by 1 and itself

Computing - login to purple mash (login inside reading record and children's busy books at school) and complete the plagarism quiz

Tricky words = neighbour, eight, eighth, weight


Homework - 01/12/23


Multiplication books - 12 x table


Maths - 12 x table wheels - choose a difficulty level sheet and complete it by printing it out or writing the calculations into your homework books


English - coordinating conjunctions - choose a difficulty level sheet and complete it by printing it out or writing the calculations into your homework books


Spellings we found tricky this week - neighbour, weight, eight, freight


Homework 24/11/23


Home learning -  if you would like you complete some home learning for the gallery on Monday and Tuesday then please do so and hand it in on Monday morning latest smiley


Multiplication books - 7x table (due in school on Friday)


Maths - 7x table worksheet


English - fronted adverbials mini-test (complete onto paper by writing the answers out if needed)


Words we found tricky this week = famous. occasion, favourite - practise these using the spelling methods on the spelling page

Homework 17/12/23


Multiplication books - 6x table


Maths - 6x table facts


English - formal and informal language


Please practise the 6 x table on hit the button too

Homework 10/11/23


Multiplication book = 3xtable


English - expanded noun phrases


Remember, expanded noun phrases consist of a determiner, at least one adjective followed by a noun. Choose our difficulty out of the 3 sheets provided.


Maths - area by counting squares and comparing areas


Choose your difficulty out of the 3 sheets provided.


Spelling - can you define groan and grown? Now, can you write these into a sentence?

Homework 20/10/23



Maths - column subtraction with exchanges.

Complete the sheets and check your answers.


See here for help -


English - complete page 1. Underline the subordinating conjunctions (or write them out into your homework books) and choose an appropriate subordinating conjunction for the sentence. 


See here for help -


Multiplication books = 4 x table

Homework 13/10/23


Multiplication - 8 x table in multiplication books


English - Think of headlines for the stories - remember they need to be short and catchy!


Maths - column addition using exchanges (challenge: can you tell me what has been exchanged? e.g. 10 tens for 1 hundred)

Homework 06/10/23


Times tables book - 4x table


Maths - watch the video about rounding and pause to complete the activities. The video will take the children through effective techniques to help them round numbers to 10, 100 and 1000.


English - rewrite the sentences into homework books/paper putting the fronted adverbial at the front. Remember to separate with a comma! See the BBC bitesize link for further support and quizzing


Spellings we found tricky this week:


*believe *receipt *receive


Please see the spelling page for methods to help your child practise their spelling at home





Homework - 29/09/23


Multiplication books - 11 x table


Maths - - if this link does not work please copy and paste it into your browser instead

Work through the video and complete the learning as you go into your homework book. Ignore the part where it says to complete the worksheet at the end as there is not one.


Theme - Learn the Harvest Festival lines and lyrics ready for Friday! Below are some links to some of the songs:


Harvest Samba - Video

Cauliflowers fluffy - Video

Autumn Days - Video


'What the Harvest Brings' is not found online but they can practise this song using the lines uploaded on the homework page below.







Harvest Lines


The children have had lines to take home and learn but if they have lost them or prefer to keep them at school, here is a digital copy to practise from. They may choose to use some of their homework time learning their lines for the service on the 6th of October.

Homework - Friday 22/09/23


Grammar - Fronted Adverbials

Maths - Partitioning to 10,000


Homework 15/09/23




Watch the video on partitioning and complete the tasks as you go:


Partitioning Video

Example Multiplication Book - children are to fill them out like so before being answered for homework
