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Good morning everyone!



9:20 / 9:35 - Morning Phonics Live Lesson

1:45 / 2:00 - Afternoon Feedback Session


You will need a piece of paper/notebook/whiteboard and something to write with.

Phase 5 - 'ur' written as 'ir'

Activity 1: What's Missing?

Activity 2: Trash or Treasure

Activity 3: Write sentences including the treasure words and tricky words.


Treasure words:





Your project until Thursday is to create a fact file of a polar bear.

Please use the facts you found out last week but you may also add more if you wish.

Do a little each day.

Don't forget to include:

  • a front cover
  • facts
  • pictures (you may want to label some pictures
  • if you want to make a contents page to organise your facts you can but this is optional (don't forget page numbers if you do this)


Complete the problems below.


We have been learning about the parable of The Lost Son and we now know the meaning behind the story.

In the parable, the father was taking on the role of God and was showing Christians God is loving and forgiving.

I would like you to write down or draw pictures of as many ways as you can think of that Christians show their love to God. Think about what we do in school and at church.
