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At Tanworth, it is essential for all of our children to develop a secure conceptual understanding of number. It is also important that our children are given rich opportunities to develop their spatial reasoning skills and that they become confident mathematicians who can explain their thinking and can problem solve effectively. 


To encourage the children to develop their mathematical thinking we use these key questions:

What do you notice?

What is the same and what's different?

How do you know?


We always try to encourage them to answer back in full sentences using the sentence stems:

I notice that...

I think that...because...


These questions are not specific to maths, however, we use them all of the time throughout the environment to encourage the children to look more closely and to notice the world around them.

This year, we are trialling using the Mastering Number programme to support the children's mathematical learning. Mastering Number's main aim is to secure firm foundations in the development of good number sense so that the children are fluent in calculation and are confident and flexible in number.

Below are some useful resources to support your child with their maths learning.
