I hope you have had a lovely weekend. I can't quite believe that this week is already here our last week because next week is transition week.
Leavers Video Clips - School have sent an email to your parents about sending in two video clips. One of you waving goodbye for 3 seconds and the second one of you doing something silly for no more than 10 seconds. Due to the virus, we have to do our leaver's video differently this year, with not having us all together and with social distancing etc. I am going to try my best to merge all the clips together to make out Leaver's video. It would be amazing if we could all be in it. It can just be recorded on a phone. When recorded, please email directly to me or the school office. Thank you Daisy for sending yours in already.
Monday 06/07/20: The Talk! 1.00-2.00pm.
Wednesday 08/07/20: Class Teams Meeting 9.15am- class quiz this week- Terrific Tanworth. Please come armed with two questions, that are related to our school- it could be questions about the teachers, topics, etc. Have two so that one can be used as a back up incase someones asks the same question before you.
Thursday 09/07/20 Virtual Leavers Service 10am please log in to join the virtual leavers service.
Messages to class mates If you haven't done so already- please could you email over/ send in your notes/for the Leavers' Books. If you email them I can print them off.
Look out for a familiar face next week you will be having a little visitor with a special delivery
Miss you all so much. Please do get in touch, I love hearing from you and seeing your work when you send it in. As Mrs Bamford mentioned in the newsletter last week, we are reducing the amount of work set as we move towards the end of what has been a very strange school year. I am really proud of how you have handled this time and the fabulous work that you have been sending me. I hope you've enjoyed the work that's been set and have learnt some interesting things while learning from home. Please find your activities for the week in the folders below.
If you need any help please do contact me via email or on the class blog.
Lots of love Miss Wilding
P.S. It's your last week- make sure you have a bit of fun too