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Learning for today:


SPAG: 'A' or 'an'?

Look at each word, should you use 'a' or 'an' before it?  Can you remember the rule?  If the word starts with a vowel, you should use 'an'.  Although there are some mean words out there that try to trick you so think carefully!


Guided Reading: Can you write a letter to explain why you should be chosen for the Dragon Initiation Programme?  Think about the characters in the story, are they good choices?  Why or why not? Use the word mat to help you think of character traits that you have and the persuasive sentence starters.  Remember to give reasons for why you would be good for the DIP and can you give examples?  Persuade me that you would be a good candidate!

Chapter 1 is still saved on the previous day's learning on the class page and in the Guided Reading channel's file section.  



We are thinking about non-chronological reports for the next couple of weeks.  These come in different forms, letters, articles, but we are going to think about information texts, they give you, guess what?  LOTS OF INFORMATION!  We will take a look at what these look like in our Teams meeting at 1.30pm.   So try and hold off on completing your English work until then!


Chilli 1 - Can you find the named features, choose a colour for each feature and colour those features in.

Chilli 2 - Can you label the named features, draw a line to the feature in the text. Use either the Stone and Ice Age non-chronological report or the Werewolves one.

Chilli 3 - Can you explain why the different features have been labelled as they are?  Now can you label the different features in one of the two example non-chronological reports.


Maths: Can you add two 4 digit numbers?  You should all have a place value grid, I sent them home in a pack  week or so ago.  You will need it for our Teams meeting at 9.30 am. You might want counters to help you with your place value grid. (Buttons that sort of thing!) 


Theme - Science: We are looking at the digestive system in Science this half term!  But do you know the different parts of the digestive system?  Can you label the digestive system?  Check the Chilli challenges out, you can download the image of the digestive system, or you can get creative and try and draw it if you want! 