Good morning Year 3. I hope you have a good day.
I've also mentioned it on the blog, but you've got a special treat as Mr Linsey has recorded a couple of your favourite songs to share on the website. Just go to the link below to find them. :-)
First of all, why not check your answers from yesterday and see how you got on by opening the document below:
Today we are continuing with our work on finding fractions of amounts. Yesterday we had unit fractions, where the numerator was 1. Today it gets a little bit trickier as we will see examples where the numerator is greater than one (non-unit fractions).
Watch the Video for lesson 3, then have a go at the questions for the lesson below.
Today I would like you to write each of your spellings for Week 2 in sentences. You don't need to have a separate sentence for each spelling, so if you can fit four into one sentence and it still makes sense, that's fine!
Today we are looking at the next parts of A Midsummer Night's Dream. I think these are the most amusing parts of the play and I hope you enjoy them too!
Shakespeare Week Project
It is time for your free choice again. What will you find out about or create today? Remember to look at the Shakespeare folder for more ideas and links.