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Summer Week 5: 18.05.20

Hello everyone!  I hope you've all had a lovely weekend.  It was so nice to see everyone on Friday, it really made my day. smiley

Following on from Friday's video call I have arranged another!  This time the children will be split into three smaller groups so as to allow each child to talk a little more.  We also have a special guest attending this weeks video call! I have tried to take into account friendship groups but also siblings and when they have meetings with their teachers.

The calls and groups are as follows:

Tuesday, 1.30pm Thursday 10.00 am Thursday 11.00 am
Thomas Luca Elsa
Bodhi Franklin Bella
Amelia J Toby C Grace
Edward George Eliza
Ayva Dolly Emily
Madison Olivia Zach
Florrie Toby F Max
Dawson Maddie Preston
Mason Toby DC Alice
Amelia C   Imogen


English: Following on from the story I read to you on Friday, if you could ask Nibbles five questions what would they be?  


Remember a question ends with a question mark. 


I have attached below a copy of the story for you to read in your own time (hopefully, you'll be able to see the pages a bit better than on the video call!) and a set of question words that you might want to use to start your questions.

Maths: Today's session is a focus on number formation.

Watch the video below and then practice forming your numbers correctly.

Help your child to write their numbers the correct way round

In this video we show children how they can use their hand to help them remember which way their numbers should be facing to avoid reversing them/writing the...

Art:  We're going to continue our weaving unit today.  Last week when I was in school I made some nature weavings.  This is what I would like you to do:

You will need three sticks and wool/string/ribbon.

Tie the sticks together to create a triangle.

Wrap the wool around and through to create a pattern.

There are more instructions in the link below:
