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Tuesday 30th June 2020


Another problem today in our problem solving week.  Today I would like you to solve the problem and then read how three other children solved it to see it it was a similar method to yours. Remember lots of mathematicians solve problems in different ways!



Now read how some other mathematicians solved the problem.

English - Reading comprehension

Today I would like you to practise your reading skills and find out some more information about the life cycle of a sunflower following our science work yesterday.  There are three versions again.

Version 1 is easier and Version 3 is the challenge.

Pick which one is right for you.

Topic/Theme - Geography

After a very busy sport week we are travelling back now to our topic of India.  Today we are going to look closer at some Indian cities.




New Delhi


Read through the pdf slides below to find out more about these three cities.




Use the aerial photographs of the three cities below to spot some of the physical and human features. Click on the pictures to enlarge them.

Remember we looked at human and physical features of Tanworth in our

Summer 1 topic - Terrific Tanworth. Record your ideas in your book.
