LO: Can I understand how fronted adverbials are used?
Today’s GPS lesson covers fronted adverbials. You may have done some work on this with Mr Dourass but they are a key tool to use in your writing so it is important to make sure we fully understand their use and can recognise them in a range of contexts.
Have a look at the PPT then complete the activities on the Word document. You do not need to write out the paragraph but please compile the list of different types and write your own sentences in your book. If you are doing the extension, please complete that in your book as well.
LO: Can I write a character description?
This morning, I’d like you to try to combine your character ideas from Friday into a paragraph or two describing that animal character. You are aiming to use your writing to create a picture so that the reader can really understand what the character is like.
Try to:
Judging by the quality of your poems, I’m looking forward to reading some super character descriptions!
LO: Can I apply my knowledge of pounds and pence?
Any work on money is a good opportunity to practise and refine our mental maths skills. After all, in a shop we wouldn’t really want to get out a calculator or pen and paper to check amounts. If you are able, try to find the totals/solutions by counting up the amounts in your head. By all means, use actual coins to help model the learning and make jottings as needed but try to avoid using any formal column addition in today’s activities.
Work through the PPT which contains a wide variety of problems involving money. Please look at the slide and make sure you can answer it yourself before clicking on to the next one for the answer! If you are already confident with pounds and pence, start at slide 10. If it asks for more than one way, can you find all the possibilities? Make sure you are able to explain why an answer is correct, using your Maths reasoning.
Then have a go at completing the activities in your book. If you find the fluency (first page) easy, just complete the second question in each section to show you can do it and to practise accuracy of answers then move on to the reasoning and problem solving tasks (later pages).
Any questions, please ask and don't feel you have to complete it all - about 20-25 minutes of the activities is plenty!
For the ordering of amounts, use your knowledge of pounds and pence, and of ordering decimals to help you answer the questions.
I have also included the stamps puzzle to have a go at if you have time left!
For our PSHE activity this week, I wanted to give you a chance to revisit your personal network hand that you did with Mrs Cutler just before school finished. If you were not there for that lesson or you want to update your network, that’s fine. I have attached instructions for parents and a reminder of how to construct the hand. It is important that you know who you can turn to when/if you need help or just a reassuring chat. Identifying and using people who can support us is an important part of self-care – we all need a good network to help us!
Secondly, there is a lovely craft activity to help us look forward to the future. I will be doing this myself as well. It doesn’t matter if you don’t manage to actually do all the things you put in the jar in the future but it’s good to have things to look forward to and feel positive about.