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English: Today we are thinking of adjectives.  Adjectives are words that describe.  When used well they make our writing really exciting!  Look at the powerpoint, to remind yourselves about this word type and then choose from the different levels of activity.  The increasing number of stars refers to the increasing difficulty!

Maths: Do you recognise a half?  Look at the pictures below, discuss with an adult or sibling, which ones are correct and which ones are incorrect!

Now take a look at the different tasks below and see which level you think you want to tackle today!

Choose your activity from the selection below. If you do not have access to a printer, you could cut out pictures from magazines or newspapers and draw a line to represent a half of the picture.

Art: Take a look at the picture below and see if you can create your own optical illusion weaving.  You only need two different colours of paper, you could paint one if you've only got white, or if you have more feel free to add in different colours!

