To celebrate World Book Day all of the classes looked at the same book 'Hermelin the Detective Mouse'.
Hermelin is a noticer. He is also a finder. The occupants of Offley Street are delighted when their missing items are found, but not so happy to learn that their brilliant detective is a mouse! What will happen to Hermelin? Will his talents go unrewarded?
Local History Week
We had a theme week in school on ‘Local History’, each year group spent time investigating and researching different aspects of the local area either through old documentation and photos found in school, using the internet, interviewing residents and ex-pupils or exploring the village of Tanworth itself. To finish off the week all of the year groups took part in a Poppies and Poetry Workshop to lead us into Remembrance Day and our annual service on The Green on 11th November.
The children worked class-by-class, each class focusing on a different perspective and theme from World War One. These included the young men as they are signing up to go to join the army, the British and German soldiers in the trenches, and the women of Britain whose lives were changed forever.
At the end of the day all of the classes came together to perform to each other, with the final presentation giving a chronological account of the war. Every child was involved in presenting their work within a soundscape that sets the scenes, interspersed with key dates and facts to give historical context.
Art Day
On Wednesday 28th November we had a whole school curriculum Art Day. Each class spent the day studying an artist and then creating art work in the same style. Here are some photos from the day.
Anti-Bullying Week
This week in Family Time all of the children thought about how to be a good friend. Our Year 6 children spoke to the children about bullying and what they should do if they or someone they know is being bullied.
Remembrance Day
Mr Fidler our RE and CAOW Lead organised a week of Remembrance activities to link with the 100 year anniversary of the end of World War 1. All of the classes took part in a variety of activities remembering the soldiers who lost their lives not only in World War 1 but in all conflicts. Some classes completed the activities in our Prayer garden. All of the children contributed to making an art installation for our Prayer Garden comprising of poppies and remembrance stones.
Thoughtful Thursday
Mental Health Week - Thoughtful Thursday
In awareness of metal health week, our School Council decided to raise money and awareness for mental health. The children on the School Council discussed how important it is to talk about things that are worrying us. During the school day the children designed a ‘worry monster’ box. The ‘worry monster’ was then made from a cereal box and decorated by the children. There is one box for each school classroom. Children can then post their worries into the ‘worry monster’ box and the monster will eat their worries away. The class teacher is responsible for looking at the posts in the ‘worry monster’ box.
We also had a non-uniform day on where children came into school in their own clothes in return for a monetary donation. The money raised went to the charity ‘Young Minds’ whose aim is to fight for a future where all young minds are supported and empowered, whatever the challenges. They are there to make sure that children get the best possible mental health support and have the resilience to overcome life’s difficulties.