Our next Class Meeting in on Friday 22nd May. Again we will be running our meetings in small groups and I have changed them around a little bit this week so that you can see a different group of your classmates.
Please don't worry if you feel worried or anxious about them. If you want to just sit and listen and see everybody online that's fine, you don't even have to talk if you don't want to just say a quick hello! However it is only friendly faces you will see and it's just a nice chance to see each other and hear some familiar voices. Like last week you will need to have a piece of paper and a pen/pencil. We are going to have a topic quiz, fun, I promise!
Phonics Bug
Sorry if you have not been able to log into Phonics Bug this week. I have received an email to notify us that they have updated the site but when I tried to log in yesterday there were still problems. I have logged an error with the website so hopefully it will be sorted as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Well done Megan and George!
I had some lovely pieces of maths from Annabel, Megan and Olivia yesterday. They have been able to mark on the straight line route following the instructions. Well done to all of you! There are some different answers, just be careful up and down would describe the movement of the object on the grid. Forwards and backwards would describe the movement on the animal so you would need to think about the way the animal is facing! TRICKY!
Today we are going to identify and find right angles. When we are tracking turns in the movement of people or objects if they turn right or left along a straight line they will be turning in a right angle.
As part of your task you are going to make an angle eater! An angle eater is a monster that likes to eat only right angles. There are loads of right angles around you at the moment and you an your angle eater are going to find them!
To make an angle eater you can use the template below, and it is really important the you cut carefully along the two straight lines (dotted lines) as this forms your angle eater's mouth and will help him to nibble on all the right angles! You can design and colour your angle eater in any way you like.
There are some other designs below as well as this one!
When you have made your angle eater, you use it to place objects in his mouth. If they line up with the lines of his mouth without an gaps then you have found a right angle!
Look at this angle eater below.
Today I would like you to explore what objects you can find around your house that have a right angle in them. Think table tops, kitchen worktops, books. I wonder how many you will find. Have fun!
More great work to share from Joshua yesterday which shows his illustrations for each of the verses of our poem. He has also highlighted in yellow all of the pairs of rhyming words. Great Work!
Today I would like you to continue to learn our poem try reading it out with a change of voice. How could you read the words, silently, silently?
I would also like you to start to plan your own poem in the style of Brenda Williams, think about a choice of 3 or 5 new animals that you could write new verses for. The challenge is you are not aloud to use any of the animals already in the poem!
Today have a play at writing a verse for one of your chosen animals. Don't try and write the whole poem because fitting your ideas into the pattern and rhythm of the verses is tricky as well as trying to get in the rhyme. We will work on this tomorrow.
My five new animals might be
My new verse could be,
Silently, silently
from behind a tree
a squirrel appears
looking at me!
Topic /Theme - ICT
I don't know about you but I have been learning and using lots of new ICT skills since the school has closed. Setting up our teams meetings, designing our class pages, cropping photos and all sorts.
Now that you all know your school computer log in details - the ones that you use to log in to our teams meetings you will also be able to explore purple mash!
Google - welearn365.com and this screen will appear;
Then select our school from the drop down menu and and click go. You will then be asked to put in your username and password and this will then take you to the next screen that looks like this.
Then you can select purple mash creative tools and I know you will find lots of fun things to explore on there for today's lesson.