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Wednesday 25.03.20


Can you use your 2, 5 and 10 times tables to complete the puzzle?

Make sure you write the answers in the grid before you colour. If you don't have a printer, make your own multiplication grid and find the answers. You could try and build a picture! Don't try and do it all today, you have tomorrow's maths session to complete it too.


There is chance today to finish your 'I Spy' List Poem from yesterday. Can you add some illustrations to match your ideas? If you would like to publish your poem in your best handwriting you can choose and print one of the writing papers below. If you don't have a printer design your own paper and publish your poem.


It would be our forest school session today so if you can get out in the garden, get some fresh air and enjoy the spring sunshine safely, step outside and enjoy! 

Some outdoor ideas to try!
