English: Today we're thinking about the present perfect tense! This may sound tricky but I assure you it's not, some of you already use it in your writing, you just don't know it's called the present perfect. The present perfect tense is linked very closely to the past tense, watch and work alongside the video linked below where I explain what the present perfect is:
Now you have watched the video and completed a couple of the exercises, turn to page 27 in your Grammar homework books and complete the page.
Brain Break
Maths: Meet me at 10 o'clock for our Maths lesson! We will be continuing to look at dividing 2 digit numbers by a 1 digit number and thinking about partitioning for division a little more too!
It will help you today if you have something to work with practically, you could use pasta pieces, spaghetti, straws, pipecleaners, lolly pop sticks, sticks that you've collected on a walk on your brain break etc!
You will have three questions to work through for your main task, I'd then like you to watch this video and complete some of the questions on the video with either an egg box or muffin tray! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4-v7sUGjTM
Finally, there is an extension task where I would like you to practice division by partitioning more.
Brain Break
RE: We are starting our new RE unit on Salvation today. Salvation is all about the Easter story and our key question is 'Why do Christians call the day Jesus died "Good Friday"?' I have uploaded a video explaining what I'd like you to do for the task today and to try and make it easier for you I have uploaded a powerpoint for you to record your work in. If there are any issues with the video in the powerpoint then please get in touch!
Don't forget that you can also:
- complete a spelling activity
- complete the optional activities from your homework books
- do some personal reading and then quiz
- listen to the weekly music
- complete the daily PE activity and log your activities for the Get Set to Tokyo challenge!
Remember I'm available if you have any questions or need any help!
Mrs H