Sports Week
Rugby, like many other sports, doesn't just teach physical skills. It also teaches and highlights these important qualities:
- teamwork
- respect
- enjoyment
- discipline
- sportsmanship
These core values underpin the game and make it special.
Read more about these values at the link below:
Below is a task based on these core values.
You can either:
- print the task out, cut and stick each challenge card into your book and write an answer or response below this
- write the value on the challenge card as a subtitle and then write your answer or response below this
There is no right and wrong with this task. You need to think about what the value means and how you might respond to the situation based on this.
For our last piece of maths based on rugby, I've got some problems for you to have a go at! You can choose whether to complete one, two or all three! Read through them all and see what takes your fancy.
Remember, it's always good to draw the problem out to help you make sense of it and figure out how to approach it!
Also remember that problem solving isn't about finding an answer straight away - it's about trial and error, experimenting with different techniques and methods and persevering when it gets tough.
You are all excellent mathematicians and I know that you can have a good go at this!
Just For Fun!
Today, I'd like you to have a go at designing your own rugby shirt based on one or all of the core values of rugby!
Feel free to draw patterns and designs and use bright colours! I look forward to seeing what you come up with!
There is also a bit of origami (paper folding) that you might like to try to create a rugby shirt! It can be quite tricky and you need patience but it's so satisfying when you've done it!
Daily PE Task
Don't forget to complete your daily PE tasks to represent your house and help them to win the house cup!
You can find the tasks at:
and you can input your scores using the link below: