Thank you so much to all the children that have sent in pictures of their work! It has made me so happy to see all your hard work at home and makes me really proud that you are still enjoying your learning even though we are not together.
The school is a really lonely place without you all and guess what.... my desk is still not tidy! I need you all to remind me to tidy it up ready for Mrs Cutler on a Thursday! I miss you all but I'm glad you are all safe and happy at home.
If you haven't seen our amazing gallery of work yet or if you are wondering where I have posted your work, follow the link below. It will really make you smile, it certainly did with me!
Today's maths is a challenge! At the beginning of the week I told you that in Year 2 we have to learn how to read the time on an analogue clock to quarter to but that some of us will be able to read the time the the nearest 5 minutes. I always think this is one of the trickiest Year 2 objectives! So try your best because today we are all going to try to read the time to the nearest 5 minutes. You might need your clocks today!
Watch out for those tricky minutes to the hour times Read through the two powerpoints and play the online game.
If you would like to complete a further challenge you can complete the worksheets.
An interview with Shakespeare!
Well today you get to meet the man himself (well almost -use your imagination)! Follow the link below and watch our very own Shakespeare!
You have found out lots of information about Shakespeare this week. If you could go back in time and ask William Shakespeare 5 questions to find out more about him what would you ask?
Remember to punctuate your questions correctly! Think carefully about the piece of punctuation needed at the end of a question.
I would like to ask - Out of all the plays that you have written, which was your favourite?
Theme/Topic - Music
I don't know about you but I am missing our singing assemblies. You know me, I always like to sing and play music in class so I thought today we would have a little sing along at home with some of our school favourites!
Luckily I've had some help from Mr Lindsey!
Your challenge today is to teach your Mum and Dad the actions for the first song, Be Happy! and then make up some new actions for Jonah and the whale. Remember to sing proudly!