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We have our teams meetings today, the times are as follows in the table below.  We will be playing a mini quiz based on our Science work from this week and you will need either to print the below document off or to copy the layout onto a piece of paper, you will also need a pencil and your thinking caps! Look forward to seeing you!

9.45 am 10.15 am 10.45 am
Thomas Max Elsa
Bodhi Toby DC Bella
Amelia J Franklin Grace
Amelia C Luca Eliza
Florrie Toby C Emily
Edward Toby F Zach
Ayva George Preston
Madison Dolly Alice
Dawson Maddie Imogen
Mason Olivia  

True or false Science quiz

Maths: Watch the video and try to join in with the song!


Today, I've got a series of mini tasks for you to do!  All related to recognising quarters. Take a look at the images below and have a go at completing the activities.

English:  Using the poster from yesterday can you think of the new vocabulary you learnt.  There are two levels of challenge to choose from.


PE: Complete this week's School Games Challenge that Mr Nicholls' has uploaded on the PE tasks page!