Meeting today at 12.00 pm
Don't forget you can log into microsoft teams today for a meeting at 12.00pm where we can have a quick chat and catch up together as a class. Don't forget to mute your microphone when you first join or I might get a headache!
Please read the rules from Mrs Bamford below before you join the meeting. Instructions on how to log in and find the meeting have been emailed home.
Hoping to see as many of you as possible!
Did you guess who is behind the masks?
What great designs they are!
Its Hywel, Brwyn and their Dad!
We know that Hywel took park in a virtual scout parade for St Georges Day well now he has been on a virtual scout camp! Check out the photographs below to see what fun he had! I know that he has been working hard on his badges, singing around the virtual camp fire, taking part in a World Record attempt and even cooking 2 meals! I wonder if Anne our school cook would like a helper in the kitchen when we return to school!
Mathematics - Today we are going to use your subtraction skills to solve some subtraction word problems.
Let's look at this word problem.
The next problem is slightly harder, it is called a 2 step problem there will be 2 steps to solve before we will find the answer to the word problem.
Below are some subtraction word problems. There are three levels of challenge for you to choose from so think about how you have found the work this week.
The easier task includes some subtraction calculations that include subtracting a multiple of ten e.g. 20, 40, 30.
The HARDER challenge includes some 2 steps problems so read them carefully!
No English lesson today because I thought you might like a chance to catch up and finish any work off. You might like to think about which activities you can do to celebrate and commemorate VE day. Choose some activities from below.
Tomorrow is a Bank Holiday - this year the holiday has been moved to fall on a very special anniversary the 75th Anniversary of VE Day. VE stands for Victory in Europe.
The first Victory in Europe Day/VE Day took place on May 8th 1945. It was a public holiday and day of celebration to mark the defeat of Germany by the Allied forces in Second World War.
VE Day marked the end of the war with Germany and brought to an end six years of war in Europe.
Watch the video below which looks at some historical evidence of VE Day.
You will look at a photograph taken at the time and hear a recount of a lady's experience. There is an activity to get you to think about what these pieces of evidence can tell us about VE Day.
Below is a big grid of different activities you can choose from today and the link to the whole school VE Day page where Mrs Hoskins, who looks after history in the school, has posted lots of activities for you to explore. There are more videos to watch, bunting to make and decorate your house with and lots more.