Happy Diwali everybody! This year Diwali is on Saturday 14th November and this week we had a Diwali party to celebrate! We played a game of pass the parcel and unwrapped some special Hindu objects, made diva lamp clay pots, designed and drew our own mehndi patterns and used the computers to design some rangoli patterns. We also learnt about the 'Aum' symbol. We had a great day celebrating in Year 2!
We enjoyed raising money for Children In Need this week and taking part in this weeks 'Five to Thrive' activities. We made some Pudsey masks and thought about how we could help others.
Can you guess our mystery mask wearers?
This week has been remembrance week at school and we have been finding out about who this man was!
Walter Tull 1888 - 1918
His name is Walter Tull and he is famous for being the first black man to lead white men in the British Army. He was the first black officer and before the war was also a footballer who played for Tottenham Hotspur. He fought, and sadly died, in the First World War. Year 2 have been finding out about is life and achievements. The children were shocked to find out that although Walter deserved a medal for his bravery he never received a military cross because of his ethnicity. The children were pleased that this wouldn't happen today.
We also took part in our own school remembrance service this week and joined Year 6 and Year 3 on the school playground to take part in a 2 minute silence and special service.
In English we have looked at two stories, The Queens Hat by Steve Anthony and Six Dinner Sid by Inga Moore. We have made story maps, sequenced and retold stories, learnt to write full sentences and created our own story books. You can see some work below and hear the stories too!
In the first half of the Autumn Term we were looking at collage. We learnt that real artists don't just produce a masterpiece in one afternoon but they research, test, and try out their ideas before starting their final piece. Our final task was to create a collage of a London landmark. Working like real artists, we first sorted papers into categories and thought about what building and materials they could be use for. We then learnt how to shape papers by using careful scissor skills and layered, tore and overlapped different papers. During this process we created some Harvest fruit and vegetables. We also created a colour wash as a background for our collages. Our final pieces have been admired by lots of people.