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Wednesday 10th June 2020


So far we have looked at vertical lines of symmetry but a line of symmetry/mirror line can be in any direction.  Today you are going to investigate how many lines of symmetry you can find on some 2D shapes. I wonder if you can complete my sentence after you have finished investigating.   


The number of lines of symmetry in a 2D shape = the number of ____________________



Today I would like you to use your ideas that you thought of yesterday to write a paragraph to describe Tiger Cub's jungle. Remember we were trying to use all of our senses to describe.  This passage below is a setting description form a different story about children camping in a jungle. Read it through and see if you can find where they have used senses to describe.


Remember to think about everything Tiger Cub might see in his jungle so that you have plenty to write about. Remember a setting description isn't a really long piece of writing try and aim for 6 extended sentences. Good luck!  Don't forget to check your punctuation.


Today we are going to find out a little bit more about India and today I'd like you to create the flag of India and find out about the colours used and the symbol in the middle. Read though the power point below to find out about the food, culture and school life of India.
