On Tuesday 27th April we had some special visitors from Year 4. As we are learning about animals and how their habitats help them to survive, they were the perfect afternoon guests. After we had all had a chance to hold them, with the help of Jessica from Year 4, we thought about how their temporary habitat, the broader box, had been created to provide for their needs.
The first week back after the Easter Holidays was our whole school Shakespeare week. In Year 1 and 2 we looked at the play A Midsummer Night's Dream. The children really enjoyed learning about the different characters and thinking about how they could use their knowledge of Shakespeare and his play to create their own poem.
We read the poem 'Ten things found in a wizard's pocket' by Ian McMillan and used his poem as a stimulus for our own poems called 'Ten things found in Shakespeare's pocket'. We came up with some really imaginative ideas!
A spare bottle of ink and feathery quill.
A magical flower love potion.
Some talented actors performing a play.
A mischievous Puck.
The town of Stratford upon Avon
A golden key to a leather notebook.
Some people in love.
Titania, the beautiful Queen of the fairies.
The flowing River Avon.
A happy ending,
On Friday 23rd April it was the end of our Shakespeare Week and Shakespeare's Birthday!
We enjoyed a whole school birthday picnic on the infant school field. It was such much fun and even though we were all in our class bubbles it felt nice to be all together again. After our picnic lunch we all took part in the Shakespeare parade dressed up as Kings, Queens, Fairies, Witches, Knights, Ladies, Lords and even Donkeys! Finally we all took part in a whole school dance to some Shakespearian music, it was so much fun and a great way to celebrate the end of our curriculum week and the birthday of a famous, local playwright!