Reception Teams Meetings
Remember to join us on Teams for Phonics today at either 9.40am or 9.55am.
See you later,
Mrs Blatchly and Mrs Hewitt
Choose a game from Phonics Play. Remember you can log in for free.
username: jan21
password: home
Piece 2 – Never Giving Up
Activity 1 – Story Time
Read the story, ‘The Tortoise and the Hare.’ See below.
Activity 2 – Discussion
What have you found tricky to do? How did you manage to do it?
Can you think of something you have done that you found tricky to start with, but with practice and never giving up managed to do. For example, riding a bike.
All join in with the discussion at home, sharing what you have done and how you persevered. Talk about the process involved of always trying, persevering, keep practising and not giving up.